Quarantine’s Silver Lining

Are you looking at the cloud or its beautiful lining?

So it’s week three of this coronavirus lockdown. My feelings about this whole thing have swung from quoting victoriously Psalm 91 to dreadful fear to “what do you mean, there is no spicy ketchup in this store?”. Who knows how many more emotions I will share with my tiny world before it’s all over?

But today, I just wanted to share a few lines of silver I have discovered in the gray clouds of lockdown.

1. The sweaty work.

I’ve tore down my old pool, the deck around it, cleaned the garage, painted a cabinet and got hot, dirty, and satisfied. I usually walk in the park to get my sweat on; but sweating AND being productive…WIN, WIN! (Although I still miss my walking buddies.)

2. Evenings at home with the fam

There has been a respite from the oft finish supper quickly, dishes in the sink to wait, and run to (fill-in the blank) . Instead we’ve played games (Cranium with my 92 year old mom was priceless), watched probably too many movies, and dozed in our recliners.

3. Longer Meals Around the Table

This has always been the sweet reward for that cooking task.

4. Family Bible study on Sunday A.M.

Okay, so maybe some of you do this regularly. I hope so. But it took the extraordinary events of no church to force us to do this as a family. Can I just say, this is my favorite silver lining. Are you curious as to how we do it? Nothing too complicated. I read a passage of scripture that has stood out to me from the week before and everyone discusses it’s message. Sometimes I ask them to read, just to keep everyone on their toes. We always have a time of thanksgiving, sharing what we are most thankful for that day. I will miss this most of all.

5. I’ve learned to appreciate more people.

Grocery store workers, postal carriers, delivery people, doctors, nurses, hospital janitors, EMTs, restaurant employees, online ministers, truck drivers, police officers, nursing home workers…..the list continues to grow.

6. Those “feel good” stories that are starting to be told

You’ve probably heard about the doctor who would read the Bible to his 96 year old patient so desperately sick. She survived! Or how about the New Yorkers standing on their balconies at 7:00 pm each night to applaud all together the first responders and medical heroes in their city? I teared up when I watched all the American companies that switched their production to make hand sanitizer or face masks for the hospitals. The Hallmark Channel (and believe me, I have watched some Hallmark these days) has nothing on the REAL loving people sharing what they have with a sick world. Just beautiful.

7. Praying deeply for strangers.

No pats on my back here because I know you have all done this. I have gone to bed at night asking for God’s mercy and healing on the sick in Italy. I have prayed for the sick and imprisoned in Iran. I have watched people I will never know being rolled into hospitals and asked God to please heal them and comfort their families. And I meant everyone of those prayers.

8. YouTube sermons.

When I was a kid my stepdad would buy the cassette of the Sunday morning sermon and then listen to it later in the week. I never could understand that. Now, I have turned into my stepdad (minus the explosive temper and the butt of a wet cigar dangling from my lips). I watch sermons on YouTube like I’ve never been to church. There is some good stuff out there, including my own Pastor sharing God’s word on facebook each week. I love it!

9. A good excuse to call that neighbor or write that relative.

I hope you’ve taken advantage of that. People are very open to a call and/or prayer these days. I called my namesake. I love her to pieces but rarely ever talk. to her. I know very little about her young family or even her adult life. I called last week. Honestly, I could tell in her voice she. feared the worst. It felt good to hear about her new homeschool duties and share a laugh. Later, I sent a scripture covered bookmark that I had received in the mail. Hopefully, I can keep this going long past the virus.

10. Count your blessings – if you can count that high.

You know I have always thought it was strange that we never testify to God’s goodness until something has been taken away. For instance, it’s after you have had cancer and survived that you thank God for a healthy body. We don’t typically drive to work thanking God for our job unless we have had some time without one. For a long time after I came home from Africa, I was thankful for clean water coming from my tap. And this will be no different. Today, I am thankful that the numbers of virus fatalities are way below what they projected. Thank you Jesus! We will be thankful for aisles of toilet paper when it appears again. I will be so thrilled and thankful to worship again with my church family. Some will always be thankful for a deep clear breath. Thank you Jesus.

And you…

I bet you have some silver linings that come to mind now that I have mentioned it. Let’s be thankful and make the best of quarantine 2020. God has not left us or forsaken us. He has given most of us rest. When God was speaking to Moses about the Promised Land, God said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” It is a gift from God. Enjoy it.

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