God’s Presence or His Plan?

What is key to successfully navigating this life? God’s plan or His Presence.

Good question.

I’m going to ask you a question that I felt the Lord was asking me the other day. I was reading about Gideon. Israel had been warned by an unnamed prophet that idolatry was the cause of their repeated defeat by the hands of the Midianites. It seems that every time there was a harvest, Israel’s enemies would swoop in and steal the fruits of their labor. It is the long told story of bully versus weakling. Israel was the weakling; and according to Gideon he himself was the weakest of the weakest clan in the weakest tribe of this weak nation.

You know how God sees the things we miss with our eyes wide open. He called Gideon “mighty man of valor” and challenged him to defeat those vicious Midianites. Did I mention this conversation happens while Gideon is hiding down in a wine press trying to thresh wheat? It always makes me smile to know God chooses the underdog.

This blog isn’t about Gideon though. It’s about the question. When God first assures Gideon that he can do this and be victorious, this is his promise:

The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.”

Judges 6:12

Gideon responded with all his excuses. He was weak. His clan was weak. Blah, blah, blah…

“The Lord answered, ‘I will be with you, and you will strike down all the Midianites, leaving none alive.'”

Judges 6:16

There is something missing here. A plan. The Lord did not roll out a battle map on a large rock showing troops here and there spotted around the Midian encampment. No hidden weapon or secret information about their weak spots. It was just, “Do this. I will be with you.”

So as I sat at my desk and considered this, the question came to mind. “If you were going into battle against an undefeated enemy and you could only chose one or the other, would you want God’s presence or His plan?”

Yes, we often get both. Even Gideon received instruction after God scaled back his army and even told him the odd “weapons” that he was to use. I’m thankful that God has plans for me. But as I sat there talking to the Lord, the question was A. Presence or B. Plan. What do you choose?

Choose one.

I knew what Moses would choose. When God told him to go on into the Promise Land but He wasn’t going with them, Moses said no way. “If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.” Exodus 33:15. Of course that’s wisdom and the right answer.

But, honestly, I leaned toward the plan. How about you? How many times have you called out to the Lord, “What do you want me to do? I need a billboard with step by step direction. A sign in the clouds.” We know His plan will be successful and all that stands between us and victory is the Plan. Right? Right?

Yet, it seems that what the Lord promises over and over, as if it’s all we need (hint…hint), is His presence. Even Jesus when giving us the Great Commission, closed it with this:

“And be sure of this: I am with you always, even unto the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:20

So I am challenged and I hope so are you to think on this. Is my faith in the plan or His Presence. Do I think I can pull this situation off with just the right divine guidance? Am I comfortable going in my own strength as long as I know what God would have me do? Furthermore, can I just walk with Him as Abraham did not knowing where the road would take me, resting assured that His Presence makes it home?

I know you have situations. You’re breathing, right? How do I parent this child? How do I find a job when there are 20 million out of work? Wouldn’t you love a 12 Step Program to alleviate all marriage disappointments? A plan to lose weight, a plan to overcome shyness, a guide to build wealth and retire strong… It seems we just need the right plan.

Better than a good plan.

Actually, we need Him. Allow Him today to fill your arena with His Presence. Sit before Him for a WHILE and worship, pray, and listen until you know He is there. He may tell you to wait. Rest may be the word you hear. You might not hear anything at all. It’s okay. Just remember His Presence conquers armies, delivers Promised Lands, shares the gospel with the world, and gives rest in the middle of it all. This is what God spoke to Moses as He sent him on ahead to conquer the land of milk and honey. No strategic plan, just…

“And He said, ‘My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.'”

Exodus 33:14

Get up and seek Him. It won’t feel like your gaining ground at first. Just do it. But you will get up and know that you have spent time with the King of the Universe. He enjoyed His time with you and will not leave you as you walk out the day. There is a hope that will arise and a road that will open before you. Sometimes you will feel as the fog has lifted and there is real reason to smile. Just look at this promise:

“You will show me the path of life;

In your presence is fullness of joy;

At your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”

Psalm 16:11
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