Dance With the One Who ‘Brung’ You

It was hours before the new year of 2022 and this is the message God shared with me.

It was New Year’s Eve 2021, and no, I wasn’t out dancing. No where close. I was home in bed with covid. The midnight hour had struck and fireworks were no longer the cause of my sleeplessness. I was sitting up in bed with the jerks and jitters caused by a decongestant. Yes, the kind that knocks most people out. Thankfully, my covid case was not severe and honestly this night was the worst of it. Most of my misery was due to the medicine that promised a sniffle free, good night of sleep. Hmph.

I don’t know about you, but the new year is one of favorite holidays. It’s the exercise of taking stock of last year and making better plans for the next. It always includes a time of repentance and asking the Lord to reveal what He sees in my heart that doesn’t please Him. Repentance is not a celebration, but it’s the only way I know to start again with that clean slate. It should happen throughout the year, but for me December 31 is the perfect opportunity.

Combine the date with need for healing and I was sitting in the dark talking to the Lord with what felt like all my heart exposed. I began to tell Him the things I wanted to leave behind and not carry into the new year. Just as I was thinking God had heard it all, He would so gently peel back another layer to expose something else not perfect in me. We were digging deep and I was feeling lighter and lighter. If you have never experienced a time like this with the Lord, I can’t even put into words how sweet He is to the broken hearted. There is no comparison to being so honest with the Father who created you and knows your heart better than you. There is no benefit to hiding anything. No relief from excuses or sugar coating. Honesty and forgiveness flow in similar magnitudes. And you will finish with a refreshing, unmatched.

So as I was talking to the Lord about regrets of 2021 and longings for 2022, I was telling him in so many words, “I don’t want (fill-in-the-blank) in my life this year. I’m done with (another fill-in-the-blank)“. As God was shining His light on my heart, I was declaring that I was done with all these and they wouldn’t be following me into the new year.

I Had a Dream

That’s when I fell asleep. Still sitting up in bed, I had a dream.

I was on an ark. Yes, as in the Noah type. It was huge. If you have ever seen the replica built in Kentucky, it was every bit that large or larger. We were in an open water with no land in sight, partly because shore was too far away, but also there was a dark and turbulent storm. The waves were the largest I had ever seen, appearing tsunami worthy. The entire sky was dark and the wind was buffeting. The ark was heaved and pushed by the crashing water. Because of the size of the boat, there was no way to avoid the impact. The long broad sides taking the brunt of them, with drenching sprays over the deck. It was an epic storm.

I remember looking over the rail and thinking about the magnitude of the monsoon. There didn’t seem an end in sight, no bright sun piercing the darkness in the distance. We were in…the…storm. But, I also remember having absolutely no fear. None. It never crossed my mind that this ark would ever go down. No waves would break through. My courage was not a reflection of me or my heart, but a complete confidence in my boat. It was rocking and rolling but there was not a chance that it would sink.

I noticed the ark was beginning to take on water. There were puddles here and there, whether from leaks or overspray, I don’t know. I picked up a bucket to begin helping others dump unwanted water over the side. Scoop, dump, scoop, dump, scoop. Water was continually crashing over the side even as we continually threw it back. That’s when I noticed the age of the bucket. It was an old metal mop bucket, with a rolled edge rim, that had lost its handle long ago. It was dented and worn. I thought to myself this bucket has been dumping water for generations. Maybe my own great-grandmother could have used this very bucket. Passed down and still doing the job. How many people had used it before me? More than I could imagine.

Upon further observation, I saw this old Ark was just that. Ancient. It wasn’t sleek or new. The boards would have looked better with a little varnish. The water had “grayed” the planks. It creaked and popped and the decks were worn from lots of foot traffic and sea spray. It was built to last and the storms seemed to only harden the planks.

Now in my dream the rain was just a sprinkle but the waves were still massive. It was then I noticed something else in the water. A short distance away I saw another ark. In design, it appeared identical, but in size, it was a tugboat in comparison to our “cargo ship”. It was sleeker and “shinier” and just had that new model feel to it.

The new ark was extremely maneuverable. The large waves that were crashing into our large bow were surfed by this little ark. As the wave would come rolling in, the little ark would appear sailing through the tunnel and coming out just before the wave crashed. They could turn on a dime and seemed to out navigate the storm.

There were people on the little boat and they crowded onto the deck and seemed to have a destination in mind. They weren’t scooping water like me. From a distance they all appeared to be younger, hipper, and happy to be on the little ark. It almost had a party boat atmosphere, with laughter and refreshments all around. The boat in strength or size was no match for the waves but it’s movability kept it afloat. I don’t know it’s ultimate destination but it was clearly moving like a bullet toward me. I knew there was a place for me on this lighter and leaner vessel.

In the last seconds of my dream, I didn’t know if I would jump ship or not. But when the boat got close enough, I stretched my foot out toward it and pushed it away. I wasn’t interested. Still sitting up in bed, I woke myself up when I pushed with my toes and was talking outloud.

The dream was so vivid that I laid awake for some time thinking about the details. The next morning, every scene replayed in my mind. So, with my first cup of coffee, I began to ask the Lord what it meant.

Surprised by the Warning

It was a warning to me. The pictures so clear that I believe I need to share with you. Let God speak to you.

The large ark was the church worldwide. It spanned all the generations from the first church until now. When one generation laid down its work, the next would pick up the “bucket” and continue on. The church has leaks and puddles, worn paths, and waining luster. It has taken on wave after wave of persecution and tribulation. Sometimes we feel like all we are accomplishing is dumping the world’s water back overboard. The barrage of waves seems never-ending. But note, my fellow sailor, there was no chance the ship was going down. The waves were putting on an impressive show and the ark would rise and dive with the pressure, but there was never going to be enough power to topple or wreck the boat.

The Lord began to show me that the little ark, that looked just like the large one, represents the false teachers and prophets that are surfing all around the body of Christ. He reminded me of a well known scripture.

“For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off unto myths.”

2 Timothy 4:3-4

Don’t they Wear Orange and Sell Beads?

All of my life, I have thought of these as strange cult leaders or obvious diversions from the true gospel. But when I read the Bible, they are called wolves in sheep clothing, deceiving even the elect, appearing in godliness, secretly bringing in destructive heresies, coming in Christ’s name, even miracle workers. They won’t necessarily being wearing a strange uniform or sitting cross-legged and chanting in the park.

They look like us. Little ark was in every way a small replica of the big ark. It wasn’t at war with the larger ark. It just came along side to pick up a weary traveler. Anything different was hidden, but my heart knew it wasn’t right. As I looked at it, I imagined myself hopping on for a quicker, easier, more thrilling ride. It wasn’t until decision time that I watched myself push it away with my feet.

When I looked up scriptures dealing with false teachers, I was amazed. Nearly every New Testament book issued a warning against them. And the warnings were to the believers, not some unknowing soul seeking “enlightenment”. The warnings were to those who called themselves Christians. Let me give you three of the many:

“O Timothy, guard the deposit entrusted to you. Avoid the irreverent babble and contradictions of what is falsely called “knowledge,” for by professing it some have swerved from the faith. Grace be with you.”

1 Timothy 6:20-21

“But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction.

2 Peter 2:1

For false Christs and false prophets will arise and perform signs and wonders, to lead astray, if possible, the elect.

Mark 13:22

In nearly every verse, these are described as deceptive teachers who infiltrate. 2 Corinthians 11:13 describes them as deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. Obviously, they are not afraid of the church. We are not exempt from their tricks. They come right in and work and teach. I didn’t see any sinful activity on the little ark, nothing obviously unChristian. Their deceptions are strong because they look like us, so how do we identify them?

Plant Your Feet in the Word

It was interesting to me that I used my feet to push the little ark away. It would have seemed more logical to keep my feet in the boat and use my hands. As I pondered that with the Lord, three scriptures came to mind almost immediately.

“As it is written, how beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”

Romans 10:15

“And with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.”

Ephesians 6:15

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”

Psalm 119:105

Do you notice what I noticed? Besides feet, it is His Word, the Gospel, that was mentioned in all three scriptures. The Lord showed me that it is His Word that will push away the false prophets and teachers in these last days. It’s the “good news, gospel of peace, and Your word”. Just as I used my feet to shove away this tempting boat ride, it will be the true gospel that will help us to turn away the counterfeit. You’ve heard the analogy, the best way to recognize a counterfeit dollar is to be throughly acquainted with a bonafide dollar. So digging deeper and deeper into the Bible will be our anecdote to the fake.

This leads me to my words that I was speaking when I woke up. I declared out loud, “I’m going to dance with the one who brung me.” Now, if I have ever said that in my life, I don’t remember. I don’t even know if I have ever heard it outside of books or tv. It is an old saying and has probably gone by the way of the “old school” dance. But it is a saying that I have heard. It refers to the idea of remembering who was there with you from the beginning and returning the favor in devotion. In other words, if a guy asked you to the dance, then he’s the one you dance with. He is the one who got up the nerve to ask you out, washed his car, maybe bought you flowers, and purchased the dance tickets. He chose you. It is just not right at that point to spend the evening dancing with another dude. In the south it is said, you dance with the one who brung you.

Remember the Joy of Your Salvation

What does this have to do with false teachers and prophets? It is a call to sticking with your first love. Remember the wooing of the Holy Spirit when you got saved? It is the wondrous grace and salvation of our Lord and Savior that brought us “to the dance.” He invited us, paid the price for us, pours out HIs grace and favor on us. He chose us. And He is the one who will take us home.

So why would it be tempting to walk the plank to a smaller boat? Well, His good news is simple for everyone and not reserved for only “certain seekers”. It’s been around for millennia. It might even seem a bit old school. Its new has definitely worn off. Matter of fact, it might even be your grandma’s religion, or great grandma’s. The body of Christ is bulky and always heading opposite the waves of this world. These deceptive ones offer you a ride on a sleeker, faster, newer boat reserved for only those who are in the know.


So, the warning was for me…and I think you. False prophets and teachers are here and they are coming. Jesus, Paul, Peter, Jude and others all warned us about them. Please understand I don’t think any of this is referring to new buildings or programs or new ideas in the church. God is a creator and He will always be creative, so new ideas should never be our enemy. I believe that God was referring to deceptive men or women who teach something so close to the Bible that we might not recognize the myths and perversions unless we have the true Word of God hidden in our heart. They didn’t bring you to the dance and they won’t take you home. John wrote in 1 John 4:1 “BELOVED, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.”

Stay in the ark of Jesus. Build your life on the foundations of salvation and all the teachings of Christ. Be filled with the Spirit. Study the stories of Old Testament heroes and how God worked in their lives. Memorize the words of Paul. Have your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. Heed the warnings written. Don’t assume you are above the temptation. Remember they disguise themselves as “servants of righteousness”. (2 Corinthians 11:15). And always build on the relationship you have with the Lord. Know Him. Listen to His voice. Wait before Him. Just you and Him.

Dance with the One who brung you.

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4 thoughts on “Dance With the One Who ‘Brung’ You”

  1. Wow….. just wow, sister. I was there with you! What an incredible job you’ve done in describing that dream and the interpretation! It TOOK ME THERE! I love you and your ability, you never cease to bless me!

  2. That was so good Sue! It was something that I needed and your words flowed like I was there. I love you my friend❤️

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