Dance With the One Who ‘Brung’ You

It was hours before the new year of 2022 and this is the message God shared with me.

It was New Year’s Eve 2021, and no, I wasn’t out dancing. No where close. I was home in bed with covid. The midnight hour had struck and fireworks were no longer the cause of my sleeplessness. I was sitting up in bed with the jerks and jitters caused by a decongestant. Yes, the kind that knocks most people out. Thankfully, my covid case was not severe and honestly this night was the worst of it. Most of my misery was due to the medicine that promised a sniffle free, good night of sleep. Hmph.

I don’t know about you, but the new year is one of favorite holidays. It’s the exercise of taking stock of last year and making better plans for the next. It always includes a time of repentance and asking the Lord to reveal what He sees in my heart that doesn’t please Him. Repentance is not a celebration, but it’s the only way I know to start again with that clean slate. It should happen throughout the year, but for me December 31 is the perfect opportunity.

Combine the date with need for healing and I was sitting in the dark talking to the Lord with what felt like all my heart exposed. I began to tell Him the things I wanted to leave behind and not carry into the new year. Just as I was thinking God had heard it all, He would so gently peel back another layer to expose something else not perfect in me. We were digging deep and I was feeling lighter and lighter. If you have never experienced a time like this with the Lord, I can’t even put into words how sweet He is to the broken hearted. There is no comparison to being so honest with the Father who created you and knows your heart better than you. There is no benefit to hiding anything. No relief from excuses or sugar coating. Honesty and forgiveness flow in similar magnitudes. And you will finish with a refreshing, unmatched.

So as I was talking to the Lord about regrets of 2021 and longings for 2022, I was telling him in so many words, “I don’t want (fill-in-the-blank) in my life this year. I’m done with (another fill-in-the-blank)“. As God was shining His light on my heart, I was declaring that I was done with all these and they wouldn’t be following me into the new year.

I Had a Dream

That’s when I fell asleep. Still sitting up in bed, I had a dream.

I was on an ark. Yes, as in the Noah type. It was huge. If you have ever seen the replica built in Kentucky, it was every bit that large or larger. We were in an open water with no land in sight, partly because shore was too far away, but also there was a dark and turbulent storm. The waves were the largest I had ever seen, appearing tsunami worthy. The entire sky was dark and the wind was buffeting. The ark was heaved and pushed by the crashing water. Because of the size of the boat, there was no way to avoid the impact. The long broad sides taking the brunt of them, with drenching sprays over the deck. It was an epic storm.

I remember looking over the rail and thinking about the magnitude of the monsoon. There didn’t seem an end in sight, no bright sun piercing the darkness in the distance. We were in…the…storm. But, I also remember having absolutely no fear. None. It never crossed my mind that this ark would ever go down. No waves would break through. My courage was not a reflection of me or my heart, but a complete confidence in my boat. It was rocking and rolling but there was not a chance that it would sink.

I noticed the ark was beginning to take on water. There were puddles here and there, whether from leaks or overspray, I don’t know. I picked up a bucket to begin helping others dump unwanted water over the side. Scoop, dump, scoop, dump, scoop. Water was continually crashing over the side even as we continually threw it back. That’s when I noticed the age of the bucket. It was an old metal mop bucket, with a rolled edge rim, that had lost its handle long ago. It was dented and worn. I thought to myself this bucket has been dumping water for generations. Maybe my own great-grandmother could have used this very bucket. Passed down and still doing the job. How many people had used it before me? More than I could imagine.

Upon further observation, I saw this old Ark was just that. Ancient. It wasn’t sleek or new. The boards would have looked better with a little varnish. The water had “grayed” the planks. It creaked and popped and the decks were worn from lots of foot traffic and sea spray. It was built to last and the storms seemed to only harden the planks.

Now in my dream the rain was just a sprinkle but the waves were still massive. It was then I noticed something else in the water. A short distance away I saw another ark. In design, it appeared identical, but in size, it was a tugboat in comparison to our “cargo ship”. It was sleeker and “shinier” and just had that new model feel to it.

The new ark was extremely maneuverable. The large waves that were crashing into our large bow were surfed by this little ark. As the wave would come rolling in, the little ark would appear sailing through the tunnel and coming out just before the wave crashed. They could turn on a dime and seemed to out navigate the storm.

There were people on the little boat and they crowded onto the deck and seemed to have a destination in mind. They weren’t scooping water like me. From a distance they all appeared to be younger, hipper, and happy to be on the little ark. It almost had a party boat atmosphere, with laughter and refreshments all around. The boat in strength or size was no match for the waves but it’s movability kept it afloat. I don’t know it’s ultimate destination but it was clearly moving like a bullet toward me. I knew there was a place for me on this lighter and leaner vessel.

In the last seconds of my dream, I didn’t know if I would jump ship or not. But when the boat got close enough, I stretched my foot out toward it and pushed it away. I wasn’t interested. Still sitting up in bed, I woke myself up when I pushed with my toes and was talking outloud.

The dream was so vivid that I laid awake for some time thinking about the details. The next morning, every scene replayed in my mind. So, with my first cup of coffee, I began to ask the Lord what it meant.

Surprised by the Warning

It was a warning to me. The pictures so clear that I believe I need to share with you. Let God speak to you.

The large ark was the church worldwide. It spanned all the generations from the first church until now. When one generation laid down its work, the next would pick up the “bucket” and continue on. The church has leaks and puddles, worn paths, and waining luster. It has taken on wave after wave of persecution and tribulation. Sometimes we feel like all we are accomplishing is dumping the world’s water back overboard. The barrage of waves seems never-ending. But note, my fellow sailor, there was no chance the ship was going down. The waves were putting on an impressive show and the ark would rise and dive with the pressure, but there was never going to be enough power to topple or wreck the boat.

The Lord began to show me that the little ark, that looked just like the large one, represents the false teachers and prophets that are surfing all around the body of Christ. He reminded me of a well known scripture.

“For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off unto myths.”

2 Timothy 4:3-4

Don’t they Wear Orange and Sell Beads?

All of my life, I have thought of these as strange cult leaders or obvious diversions from the true gospel. But when I read the Bible, they are called wolves in sheep clothing, deceiving even the elect, appearing in godliness, secretly bringing in destructive heresies, coming in Christ’s name, even miracle workers. They won’t necessarily being wearing a strange uniform or sitting cross-legged and chanting in the park.

They look like us. Little ark was in every way a small replica of the big ark. It wasn’t at war with the larger ark. It just came along side to pick up a weary traveler. Anything different was hidden, but my heart knew it wasn’t right. As I looked at it, I imagined myself hopping on for a quicker, easier, more thrilling ride. It wasn’t until decision time that I watched myself push it away with my feet.

When I looked up scriptures dealing with false teachers, I was amazed. Nearly every New Testament book issued a warning against them. And the warnings were to the believers, not some unknowing soul seeking “enlightenment”. The warnings were to those who called themselves Christians. Let me give you three of the many:

“O Timothy, guard the deposit entrusted to you. Avoid the irreverent babble and contradictions of what is falsely called “knowledge,” for by professing it some have swerved from the faith. Grace be with you.”

1 Timothy 6:20-21

“But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction.

2 Peter 2:1

For false Christs and false prophets will arise and perform signs and wonders, to lead astray, if possible, the elect.

Mark 13:22

In nearly every verse, these are described as deceptive teachers who infiltrate. 2 Corinthians 11:13 describes them as deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. Obviously, they are not afraid of the church. We are not exempt from their tricks. They come right in and work and teach. I didn’t see any sinful activity on the little ark, nothing obviously unChristian. Their deceptions are strong because they look like us, so how do we identify them?

Plant Your Feet in the Word

It was interesting to me that I used my feet to push the little ark away. It would have seemed more logical to keep my feet in the boat and use my hands. As I pondered that with the Lord, three scriptures came to mind almost immediately.

“As it is written, how beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”

Romans 10:15

“And with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.”

Ephesians 6:15

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”

Psalm 119:105

Do you notice what I noticed? Besides feet, it is His Word, the Gospel, that was mentioned in all three scriptures. The Lord showed me that it is His Word that will push away the false prophets and teachers in these last days. It’s the “good news, gospel of peace, and Your word”. Just as I used my feet to shove away this tempting boat ride, it will be the true gospel that will help us to turn away the counterfeit. You’ve heard the analogy, the best way to recognize a counterfeit dollar is to be throughly acquainted with a bonafide dollar. So digging deeper and deeper into the Bible will be our anecdote to the fake.

This leads me to my words that I was speaking when I woke up. I declared out loud, “I’m going to dance with the one who brung me.” Now, if I have ever said that in my life, I don’t remember. I don’t even know if I have ever heard it outside of books or tv. It is an old saying and has probably gone by the way of the “old school” dance. But it is a saying that I have heard. It refers to the idea of remembering who was there with you from the beginning and returning the favor in devotion. In other words, if a guy asked you to the dance, then he’s the one you dance with. He is the one who got up the nerve to ask you out, washed his car, maybe bought you flowers, and purchased the dance tickets. He chose you. It is just not right at that point to spend the evening dancing with another dude. In the south it is said, you dance with the one who brung you.

Remember the Joy of Your Salvation

What does this have to do with false teachers and prophets? It is a call to sticking with your first love. Remember the wooing of the Holy Spirit when you got saved? It is the wondrous grace and salvation of our Lord and Savior that brought us “to the dance.” He invited us, paid the price for us, pours out HIs grace and favor on us. He chose us. And He is the one who will take us home.

So why would it be tempting to walk the plank to a smaller boat? Well, His good news is simple for everyone and not reserved for only “certain seekers”. It’s been around for millennia. It might even seem a bit old school. Its new has definitely worn off. Matter of fact, it might even be your grandma’s religion, or great grandma’s. The body of Christ is bulky and always heading opposite the waves of this world. These deceptive ones offer you a ride on a sleeker, faster, newer boat reserved for only those who are in the know.


So, the warning was for me…and I think you. False prophets and teachers are here and they are coming. Jesus, Paul, Peter, Jude and others all warned us about them. Please understand I don’t think any of this is referring to new buildings or programs or new ideas in the church. God is a creator and He will always be creative, so new ideas should never be our enemy. I believe that God was referring to deceptive men or women who teach something so close to the Bible that we might not recognize the myths and perversions unless we have the true Word of God hidden in our heart. They didn’t bring you to the dance and they won’t take you home. John wrote in 1 John 4:1 “BELOVED, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.”

Stay in the ark of Jesus. Build your life on the foundations of salvation and all the teachings of Christ. Be filled with the Spirit. Study the stories of Old Testament heroes and how God worked in their lives. Memorize the words of Paul. Have your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. Heed the warnings written. Don’t assume you are above the temptation. Remember they disguise themselves as “servants of righteousness”. (2 Corinthians 11:15). And always build on the relationship you have with the Lord. Know Him. Listen to His voice. Wait before Him. Just you and Him.

Dance with the One who brung you.

When God Reads Your Mail

When the enemy is threatening you, God takes it as a personal insult.

As a kid, I watched Batman and Robin every day after school. I had to because the day before the dynamic duo were strapped to a ticking bomb or rolling down a conveyor belt into a buzzing table saw, seconds from their death. I knew they would make it, but I had to tune in and find out how. That’s sort of how I left you last week. The devil (aka King Sennacherib) was making threats that seemed all too common today.

It could have been titled 7 Lies That Keep You From Trying. We’ve experienced them all and like all convincing lies, there is just enough truth to make us believe them. Then when we believe them, they in turn, become reality. My hope was by identifying them, we might recognize the lie before we start agreeing with it.

While, it’s great to uncover the enemies’ tactics, it’s greater to see how another hero of faith deals with the threats. One of the most interesting things, is what he doesn’t say.

“But the people were silent and did not utter a word because Hezekiah had commanded them, “Do not answer him.”

2 Kings 18:36

There are times we talk too much. The devil enjoys knowing what has boggled our minds and has effectively sidelined our faith for the moment. Like a chicken, he will peck at the sore spot. Don’t give him the satisfaction. I know there are times we just need a shoulder to cry on and a friend to help bear the burden. No doubt, that’s necessary and a gift from the Father. But our incessant complaining is praise to satan and drives our faith and other’s into the grave. Hezekiah commanded his people to not let their fears be heard. Don’t let the enemy see you sweat.

Humility is Necessary

“When King Hezekiah heard their report, he tore his clothes and put on burlap and went into the Temple of the Lord.”

2 Kings 18:1

King Hezekiah humbled himself before the King of the Universe and went to church to seek His help. Yep, that was me last week. There are times in life when memorized prayers and polite little requests are not enough. You have to cry ugly, get in a posture of need, and find that place where you can get alone with God. Preferably, in reverse order. (grin). There is nothing pretty or religious about it. The devil says you look weak. Don’t believe him. I work in a church and the strongest people I know will come there when life gets difficult. They walk away strengthened.

Ask for Prayer

He also sent his advisers to visit the prophet of God, Isaiah. He told them to tell Isaiah just how bad it was.

“This is the what King Hezekiah says: ‘Today is a day of trouble, insults, and disgrace. It is like when a child is ready to be born, but the mother has no strength to deliver the baby. But perhaps the Lord your God has heard the Assyrian chief of staff, sent by the king to defy the living God, and will punish him for his word. Oh, pray for those of us who are left!’.”

2 Kings 18:3,4

Hezekiah tells the man of God, that they are facing trouble, they have been insulted, and they are humiliated. I would venture to say most trials fall under at least one of those headings. You have suffered some kind of physical loss. Or your friend, or family, or boss has used words to insult you. Don’t words hurt? Or maybe you have had a failure that is humiliating. Deserved or undeserved. Seek the Lord and be honest.

Then he compares this trial to a baby coming to full term and the mother is too weak to deliver. He’s done. He has held his ground, watched and waited as Assyria got closer and closer, and now the moment has arrived to battle. Hezekiah finds himself too worn-out to labor. That is humiliating and dangerous.

Even when your faith is lacking

Did you notice the choice of words in his request? I don’t want to make more out it than there is, but I don’t believe there are any accidental words in the Word. Hezekiah says “perhaps” the Lord “your” God has heard. Perhaps? Oh, Hezekiah, the Lord’s ear is not dull. He heard the blasphemy. And why, “your God” and not “our God”? It seems to me his faith has taken some blows. His ears are still ringing with the threats. Perhaps Isaiah can persuade God to help. Look at that last line. Pray, Isaiah, for the few survivors that are still hanging on. Not exactly a fireball of faith, but still trusting in the Only One Who Can Help.

Easy Peasy

God gives a quick reply through Isaiah.

“This is what the Lord says: Do not be disturbed by this blasphemous speech against me from the Assyrian king’s messengers. Listen! I, myself, will move against him, and the king will receive a message that he is needed at home. So he will return to this land, where I will have him killed with a sword.”

2 Kings 19:4

Okay, then. That’s that. God has spoken. Bye Felicia. That’s exactly what happens. He gets word that the king of Ethiopia has attacked and he must get home right away.

You would think the enemy would quietly sulk away and leave well enough alone. No, that’s not how the devil works either. Instead, Sennacherib sends another threatening letter to Hezekiah that begins with “Don’t let your God whom you trust, deceive you with promises that Jerusalem will not be captured…” and ends with a long list of defeated armies that trusted in their gods too.

The devil rails even in retreat

That is just like the devil. Even as he daily marches closer to his doom, he rails against us with threats. God clearly has the upperhand, as we will see in a minute; but that doesn’t stop satan from terrorizing the saints, even as he retreats to another losing battle.

Hezekiah doesn’t take this lightly. Despite having the promise of God’s rescue, he brings this new threat straight to God himself. He literally brings the message to the temple of the Lord and spreads it out before God and prays. This is so important to our victory.

Take your problems to God and lay them out. Written prayers are so effective. So many times what I think I need, or believe, is completely different when I put it in ink. Something about writing it gets prayers down to business. No fluff. No vain repetition. My selfishness or covetousness shines though when I think about my grandchildren finding these prayers after I’m dead and gone. Often, while writing, petitions become praise and complaints are deemed a waste of paper. Try it. Even a hand written list that you lay hands on and pray has an impact on your faith.

One day I was so troubled by someone that had proven to be my enemy, rather than friend. I had prayed for her. I had asked the Lord to help me forgive her. Though I thought I had forgiven, I still avoided her like the plague. The feelings just weren’t getting better. Like Hezekiah, I took it to church. Sinking down beside the altar, I felt like I had said everything already. So, I wrote her name with my finger on that altar and I left her and all the hurts there. I can’t explain it, but I got up free. I’m still free after many years.

The fight builds faith

Hezekiah’s prayer is wonderful. The fight had made him stronger. He starts with words of adoration. “You alone” is the theme of his praise. Then he says, “It is true, Lord, that the kings of Assyria have destroyed all these nations…” But this is different.

“But of course the Assyrians could destroy them! They were not gods at all – only idols of wood and stone shaped by human hands. Now, O Lord our God, rescue us from his power…”

2 Kings 19:17-19

Hezekiah’s faith is growing, even in the middle of the attack. “Now, O Lord our God”, shows that he knew he could call on God too. God knew him and would hear his cry for Israel. Hezekiah stood honestly before God with enough faith to ask for “the impossible”. He knew the history of this attacker. He knew so many other gods had fallen before him. But HIS God was different.

God’s answer found in 2 Kings 19:17-34 should be on our lips often, when the devil fires his darts of fear into our souls. It’s priceless. He begins by mocking Sennacherib’s own boasts. “I have ascended. I have cut down. I have reached. With the soles of my feet. Blah. Blah. Blah.” The king is exposed as God repeats the brags of a boastful warrior. But the boaster is deflated when the Lord says:

“But have you not heard? I decided this long ago. Long ago I planned it, and now I am making it happen. I planned for you to crush fortified cities into heaps of rubble.”

2 Kings 19:25

In other words, the ONLY reason that you have beat anyone, Sennacherib, is because I planned it a LONG time ago. You have no power to destroy where I have protected. You are merely a tool at my disposal.


“And because of your raging against me and your arrogance, which I have heard for myself, I will put my hook in your nose and my bit in your mouth. I will make you return by the same road on which you came.”

2 Kings 19:28

I love this picture.

If you put a hook in someone’s nose and a bit in their mouth, they will go exactly where you tell them, with little or no resistance. I dare say you could drag a dragon with that combination. So, where did God send this enemy of Israel? Back the same way he came. That spells retreat. He isn’t marching through the land as a conqueror. He is tucking his tail and setting the GPS for home. He’ll not be staying for tacos or having a king to king meeting. He switches from offense to defense as he heads home to save his own kingdom.

God then shares some promises with Hezekiah for the future. He even gives hope and a promise for those left in Judah. The “passionate commitment of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies will make this happen!” (vs. 31). I just love that “passionate commitment”. I couldn’t feel safer.

He gave the king of Assyria a promise too. “His armies will not enter Jerusalem. They will not even shoot an arrow at it.” (vs.32)

What are we worried about?

That night, the Angel of the Lord, killed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers. Repeat: One angel. The next morning the Assyrian survivors broke camp and went home the way they came. Smart move. And King Sennacherib? Later, he was killed by his own two sons while he worshipped in the temple of his god, Nisroch.

Feel like singing, anyone? Yes, I do. Maybe dance too. God is victorious over and over in our lives. We have heard the devil breathing down our neck and consuming our thoughts. We have endured the labor pains but didn’t have enough strength to deliver. Then God reads our mail. We hand him what we can’t handle and he answers the enemy. It’s not what he bargained for. Not only will you be rescued, but he will be defeated. Go ahead. Get up and take a victory lap with the Lord!

Screening the Devil’s Calls

There is nothing new under the sun and that includes the devil’s tactics.

You just received a scam call. At least you think it was a scam call. The thing is, they knew things. Maybe this one was legit. Could you possibly have a warrant out for your arrest? You did get behind in a few bills last year. What if someone has opened a bunch of accounts in your name and they’re all delinquent? Your head swims as you stand there with phone still in hand.

Most of us go to the computer and begin a search. Some may call the police. Others phone a friend. Wherever you search, there is no relief until you hear, “That’s a scam. I’ve heard about that one before. Did they say…..?”. It’s then you realize, you have been terrorized and almost intimidated into giving them what never belonged to them.

I’ve discovered the devil works and says the same threats over and over. The Bible tells us that there is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9) and that goes for the tactics of the devil too. His lies are common to mankind and if we learn to recognize them, we are far less likely to be terrorized by his tactics. So follows the story of Hezekiah.

Hezekiah was a good great king of Judah. He tore down idols, smashed the sacred pillars and even restored the temple. The Bible says that Hezekiah trusted the Lord and the Lord made him successful in everything he did. (2 Kings 18: 5-7). That’s a common theme in Kings: Obey God = Succeed, build, crush enemies, long life then burial in the garden of the kings. Disobey God = short reigns, murdered by staff or family, die and be buried in some remote cave.

Life is not all butterflies and lollipops.

Yep, I would love to say that was the end of the story. Hezekiah was good. God made him great. And we all live happily ever after. Amen. Unfortunately, life is not like that. We dwell with evil and it has no desire to be a good neighbor. The devil, our adversary, walks about looking for someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8)

Let’s see if the words of Hezekiah’s enemy sound like something you’ve heard before. First a little more back story. The nation of Israel was divided into two kingdoms. Ten tribes made up the Kingdom of Israel. The tribes of Judah and Benjamin made up the Kingdom of Judah. Hezekiah was the King of Judah. Both kingdoms had a common enemy in Assyria.

In King Hezekiah’s fourth year, Assyria laid siege on the Kingdom of Israel, his kingdom’s sister nation. Three years later Assyria conquered Israel and Hezekiah witnessed the northern tribes being taken captive and exiled to Assyrian territory. Once Israel was emptied, the Assyrians moved in foreign occupiers.

Eight years later, Assyria was knocking on Hezekiah’s door. Assyria’s king was demanding tribute. That’s not kind words. He was demanding gold. Hezekiah had witnessed Israel walking into captivity. He had watched occupiers live in “the Land” for eight years. The threats were serious.

Hezekiah gives in when Judah’s northern towns began to fall. “I will pay whatever you want”. And then he gives him enough to impress Bill Gates. But gold and silver never buys off a bully and Assyria continues to march through the land. They send a letter to Hezekiah just in case he should get the crazy idea that Judah could fight these ruthless conquerors.

And here is where the words sounded so familiar to me.

“What are you trusting in that makes you so confident?”

This is his introduction and then he begins to tear down any arguments for their confidence. All the words can be found in 2 Kings 18. I encourage you to read it for yourself.

“Do you think that mere words can substitute for military skill and strength?”

This is the devil saying, let’s deal with reality not your scriptures and promises. You can’t win by standing on ancient writings. Just look at this canon barrel aimed at your soul. What is a few words going to do for you? I’ve got weapons of total destruction. You are carrying what? A word from God? Ha.

“Who are you counting on, that you have rebelled against me? On Egypt? If you lean on Egypt, it will be like a reed that splinters beneath your weight and pierces your hand. Pharaoh, the King of Egypt, is completely unreliable!”

Have you ever heard this in your ear? You can’t turn to your friends on this one. Don’t ask for prayer this time. They won’t pray for you. They’re going to think you are weak and vulnerable. I know you want to talk to someone or seek some counsel; but you can’t trust anyone. Keep this to yourself. You don’t want anyone to know that you have issues. Besides, what can they do for you? They weren’t there for you last time.

“But perhaps you will say to me, ‘We are trusting in the Lord our God!’ ….Didn’t Hezekiah tear down his shrines and altars and make everyone in Judah and Jerusalem worship only at the altar here in Jerusalem?”

Interpretation: You have picked a battle with the devil and you are in over your head. This is spiritual warfare like you have never seen. You made a stand for God and woke up the haters. Worse yet, you have upset some of the religious. My advice is you better backdown and backout slow and quiet before you get beat like the sons of Sceva. You are asking for it!

“I’ll tell you what! Strike a bargain with my master, the king of Assyria. I will give you 2000 horses if you can find that many men to ride on them! With your tiny army, how can you think of challenging even the weakest contingent of my master’s troops…”

Just give up and we’ll even give you some help. Of course, it won’t be enough to defeat us, but at least you can die with dignity. Finances upside down? Take a loan and start making payments instead of tithing. Sick? We can allow treatments, but healing is out of the question. You are riding our horses, remember? This deal will get you out of Assyria’s crosshairs but satan is buying you off with weapons he controls.

“What’s more, do you think we have invaded your land without the Lord’s direction? The LORD himself told us, “Attack this land and destroy it.”

I believe this is one of satan’s favorites. Don’t expect deliverance or help from God because this is His will for your life. Every time we pray for God to perform a miracle in our life, satan reminds us of some saint that lived under similar circumstances and never received the same miracle. While praying for our eyes, he will remind us of Fanny Crosby, who was blind and wrote some of the greatest hymns of all time. Don’t pray for a better job. Poverty is God’s way of keeping you humble. When we pray for our kids’ relationships, the devil will whisper that God wants him to have some world exposure so that he will be stronger spiritually. Praying for your marriage and the devil declares the trouble is God’s will as a punishment for past sins. This attack was sent by God and it’s His will for your life. Lies. Lies. Lies. Watch out for this one.

Hezekiah’s men asked the Assyrian spokesperson to speak in Aramaic and not Hebrew so that the people of the Kingdom of Judah wouldn’t hear the threats. The enemy responds:

“Do you think my master sent this message only to you and your master? He wants all the people to hear it, for when we put his city under siege they will suffer along with you.”

This one appeals to our compassion. Don’t take this stand against the enemy. Your whole family will suffer. Nobody wants to suffer. Fewer people are willing to watch their family or friends suffer because of them. Likewise, the peer pressure becomes intense. If you want to fight and die, whatever. But don’t drag us into your martyrdom. Nobody is behind you. Give in or you will lose your family.

“Don’t listen to Hezekiah! These are the terms the king of Assyria is offering; Make peace with me – open the gates and come out. Then each of you can continue eating from your own grapevine and fig tree and drinking from your own well. Then I will arrange to take you to another land like this one – a land of grain and new wine, bread and vineyards, olive groves and honey.”

Let’s make a deal. Just come out, open the gates, and let’s have peace. I promise you will have your own grapevine and fig tree, just like now. You will have your own well. Come out and let me take you to this new land. You’re going to love it. That’s losing a battle without firing a shot. The devil is so conniving. Just join up with me and life continues, even better. Yes, you will be my captive and your land becomes mine, but hey, you get your own fig tree. Captivity sounds so captivating, doesn’t it?

And finally,

“Don’t listen to Hezekiah when he tries to mislead you by saying, “The LORD will rescue us!’ Have the gods of any other nations ever saved their people from the king of Assyria? What happened to the gods of Hamath and Arpad? And what about the gods of Sepharvaim, Hena, and Ivvah? Did any god rescue Samaria from my power? What god of any nation has even been able to save its people from my power? So what makes you think that the Lord can rescue Jerusalem from me?”

As a last shock, Sennacherib, Assyria’s spokesperson, insults God. Satan will do the same. The lie is simple. God can’t do this. No other little “g” god has done anything. The god of money hasn’t saved your marriage. The god of medicine didn’t cure your disease. You were so faithful to the god of education and yet your children languish. You even tried the god of religion, but you were left dry and empty. So what makes you think the LORD will rescue you? He is not different than the others. I will defeat him too.

Any of this ring a bell? You may have heard one of these lies even today. It’s a scam. It’s scary and threatening. There is just enough truth to make you question our big “G” God. Have no fear, He is in control. He still rescues the perishing. Hang on to these “mere words”. They are stronger than any army of our enemy.

The LORD says, “I will rescue those who love me.

I will protect those who trust in my name.

When they call on me, I will answer;

I will be with them in trouble.

I will rescue and honor them.

I will reward them with a long life

and give them my salvation.”

Psalm 91:14-16

That’s it. “I will. I will. I will”, God says. His unfailing love, well, it’s unfailing. He says in that same chapter (Psalm 91:8), “Just open your eyes, and see how the wicked are punished.” While we cry for the Lord to see our circumstance, He is saying “open your eyes” and see what I am doing. Don’t succumb to the threats. Recognize the lies. God will rescue you!

Stay tuned next week, when Hezekiah “sees” God handle business with the enemy! In the meantime, don’t answer the robocalls of the devil.

The Battle Rages

The Valley of Megiddo, where the final battle will take place.

My pastor preached a sermon about the war in which we are entangled daily. His bottom line was we would either appease or fight. There is no middle ground in war. Those who “go along” with the world to “get along” with the world will eventually lose their souls. It’s really so cut and dry. I wish it wasn’t. How my flesh wants a foot on both sides of the fence, but you never get anywhere straddling the rails and honestly the comfort level is unendurable. We have to choose sides and then we have to suit up for battle.

The intensity of the war does ebb and flow. Some days and seasons the attacks are relentless. It seems the devil will never lose your address. Then there are short times when the Lord lifts us up above the battle and gives His soldiers rest.

As I read through 2 Samuel this week, I was reminded what a warrior David was. His battles included real blood shed, daggers, and arrows. Therefore, his Psalms intertwined worship with war. All of his songs weren’t tunes to help the sheep relax. Some were war cries.

Have you ever worshipped in the middle of the battle? Nothing shakes the hordes of hell more than some genuine worship in the heat of the attack. I find that often, I just need to stop and declare that God is Sovereign. He is not shaken by my trial. I have to stop fretting the battle lines and just praise Him.

Sometimes, it rhymes…

View from the Mount of Olives, the site of many battles.
The Battle Rages

The battle rages deftly.
Blows sting from either side.
At times I'm knocked to my knees,
From there, my battle cry.

"God, help me stand in battle.
God, help me never fall.
Hold my shield up for me,
Because I'm giving it my all."

The strikes are not quick glances.
The sharp pains leave lasting wounds.
I need courage to go back to battle;
While my mind rehearses the ruins.

Some battles last for decades.
It's hard to even keep score.
Just when you think it's over;
The enemy comes back for more.

But, I know You are my Commander.
You'll not leave a man on the field.
The battle buffets your army;
But to our enemy, You will not yield.

Why should you? You're the Victor!
The war has been soundly won!
The losers: satan and his leagues
The Victors: God, Holy Spirit, and Son.

The weapons you have given us,
While Jesus declared our victory,
Are mighty for pulling down strongholds
Of fear, discouragement and disease.

The promise is for the overcomer;
Who I am, through Jesus' power.
I fight the devil daily.
His defeat promised in one hour.
All the hordes and their defeated leader,
The lake of fire will devour.

Triumphantly, I fight a defeated foe.
His anthem hate, my King is love.
And though the battle rages,
My Victor reigns from His throne above.

So carry on, my fellow soldier.
Endure hardship for our King.
When the arrows are denting your shield of faith,
Just lift up your hands and sing!


“You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.”

2 Timothy 2:3

“I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33

I know there are some worshipping soldiers out there. I believe God so enjoys our honest praise. Feel free to add a line or two to the psalm in the comment section. Hey, write 8 or 10 lines, if the words begin to flow. A warrior’s cry is always inspiring!

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