Instructions for a Captive Daughter

He longs to set you free.

Hello Everybody! Maybe I should introduce myself… It’s crazy, but my last blog was July of 2020. Here I am sheepishly sitting down at my dusty desk to type again. Where have I been? “Uhhhhhh……. Well, see………. No, not covid related……” Let me cut to the chase, I’ve been right here, but not “write” here. No excuses, I just put down my keyboard for a short break that turned into a year. I’ve cleaned out closets, and drawers, took a few road trips and even flew to D.C., kept the books at church and actually subscribed to Netflix. Life. That’s what’s been on my plate. But let’s push the plate aside and jump into some sweet scripture that God gave me this week. So sweet, I just had to log back into my old friend, “”. Thank you for joining me.

Wake up, wake up, O Zion!
    Clothe yourself with strength.
Put on your beautiful clothes, O holy city of Jerusalem,
    for unclean and godless people will enter your gates no longer.
Rise from the dust, O Jerusalem.
    Sit in a place of honor.
Remove the chains of slavery from your neck,
    O captive daughter of Zion.
Isaiah 52:1-2

I know this is a scripture rarely quoted or memorized. I’m guessing you may not even have this one underlined in your Bible. I didn’t either until recently. It was a scripture that the Lord had me read and reread until the words spoke to me.

It is addressed to Jerusalem, the captive daughter of Zion. It is a prophetic admonition to her people. And while I am not Jewish; nor can I boast of Jerusalem citizenship, I am a child of God. “For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him,” Romans 10:12. This message called to me.

Wake up!

Wake up!! No one really enjoys those words. Here it is two times. Wake up! Wake up! Something needs to change. The Lord is calling us to be aware and come out of the fog. Clear the drowsiness and wipe the eyes. He has something to tell you.

“Clothe yourself with strength.” Well, this spoke to me that weak wills and timid convictions weren’t going to work here. Put your strong arms on. There are days and seasons in life that require strength. Teenage battles, sick parents, unjust bosses, or a husband that prefers football to family or wifi to wife. These take strength. Where do we get said strength? Yes, the joy of the Lord is our strength. His strength is made perfect in our weakness. And sometimes, as the Word here. You put it on. It’s available. You’ll never know how strong God has made you until you put it on. It’s that look at the giant in front of you and picking up the 5 smooth stones you have in front of you and call on the Lord while you swing.

“Put on your beautiful clothes, O holy city of Jerusalem.” So the Lord knows how to call out to the spirit and the flesh. Sometimes we have to get dressed. As a matter of fact, most of the time you need to get dressed. I’m not trying to start an argument here, but I can’t get serious about my day until I’ve got my clothes on. I’m not even talking about spiritual armor here, either. For me, that includes shoes; but I understand that’s optional. Are you caught in a trap of lazy days? You just can’t seem to get the house clean and supper made? Get dressed. Furthermore, God is saying put your good clothes on. Now, I know there are appropriate clothes for all occasions but sometimes we never find the cause sufficient to dress.

I’m a t-shirt girl and would never be described as fashionable. Honestly, my favorite outfit is elastic waist capris and a very loose top. But I can tell you that there have been times that dressing up just a bit has helped. It’s not just job interviews either. Often putting on your good clothes, brushing your hair, and a touch of makeup gives you just the confidence you need to meet your neighbor, speak to the grocery checker, or talk to your kid’s teacher. Don’t believe me? Wear a dress to the grocery store and see if you don’t get more assistance. Throw on a string a pearls and all of a sudden you have stepped into the polite society of Leave it to Beaver.

I’m not trying to be a “clothesline” preacher here, but sometimes life just requires us to put on our beautiful clothes.

You are the keeper of your gate.

God follows that with the declaration that “unclean and godless people will enter your gates no longer.” This was spoken to a city that had been ravaged by the enemy. Godless Assyrians had come and taken the holy things and taken many of the holy city into slavery. While we may not have lost homes or treasures to invading armies, some have lost hope and peace to the enemy. God may be saying to you, “Clean out your guest list.” Who are you letting in the gate? Do you have “friends” that are godless? I’m not talking about those you are actively witnessing to. I’m talking about those friends and maybe family that have the key to your door. They are always inviting you over to BBQ early Sunday or late night fun Saturday night. Church is never on the radar for them. When you try to talk about the Lord, they’re politely not interested. Maybe they continue to walk in the same addictions that you struggled to overcome the last 9 months and they bring that habit right up inside your gate. No more. Let me just throw this in here too. Your houseguests may be digital. How many teenagers have I prayed with over the years that sleep with their light on because they watch a constant stream of crime scene shows and a little paranormal here and there. God says don’t let them in to destroy. You are awakening to His call.

“Rise from the dust, O Jerusalem. Sit in a place of honor.” This is a dual action command. The first thing we are called to do is rise from the dust. This speaks of stagnation to me. You have sat in one place so long that not only does the Lord say, “Wake up!” but He also requires you to dust yourself off. Now yours might be a light dusting of nonuse of those talents or could be just straight up grime and dirt of sin. I don’t know and surely all of us have had both. Either way God says rise up out of the dirt and….”sit in a place of honor.” The NIV says, “sit enthroned”.

Followers of Christ have been given seats with Him. Jesus said He gave us His authority to cast out demons, heal the sick, and produce lasting fruit, among other things. Your place of honor or enthroned seat is just that. I am learning in life that authority has to be used. Our authority over satan will be tried and you will grow in strength and power as you operate in the authority given. Take your seat.

As Americans, haven’t we all wondered exactly what authority Queen Elizabeth actually has? I mean, she can’t “lop off their heads” as all the fairy tale queens could do. She seems to keep a “raised eyebrow” over the royal family, though there always seems to be an errant prince or princess. We don’t know her authority over England because she never uses it. She might make a speech or an appearance. I presume she will write a letter. But her authority is really questionable. I have never even seen her sit on her throne, have you?

That’s not how I want the devil to see me. He should be very aware of the authority God has given us. God says to us get up and sit down. Get up out of the doldrums of captivity and sit down in a seat of authority given by Him. This takes action and faith. Think about it. This captive girl has been sitting low so long that she’s gotten dusty. It’s gonna take some faith to stand, much less take your seat.

Then finally, the words that gripped me the most. “Remove the chains of slavery from your neck, O captive daughter”. This is where it got personal. You see, I have been on a quest to identify anything in my life that keeps me from pursuing God to the fullest. In other words, bondages. I am a Christian, through and through. I love Him, trust Him, and have a daily, rich relationship with Him. I am a daughter…yet, captive. As I sit with Him each day and in each circumstance, He is gently (oh so gently) showing me the shackles. I’m guessing you have them too.

Let me name of a few: fear (how many of our illnesses are linked to anxiety?), people pleasing (in a word, this is not possible as your ultimate goal), money (again, you’ll never have enough if you’re a slave to it), addictions (even the world will tell you this is bondage), and pride (no wonder God hates it). This is just a few. God has shown me others. If you ask, he will show you too. You will never take off a chain you can’t recognize. If you think pleasing people is a gold necklace around your neck, you will never yank off that shiny shackle. It takes real honest talks with the Father to see what you’re wearing. And I have never known a captive He didn’t desire to set free.

So allow me to encourage you. Wake up! Put on strength and wrap it in pretty clothes. Things are about to change. Clean your house of bad guests. Dust off the grime of life and take your authority provided by God. Then reach up there and break the chains that have suffocated you for years. You are free to be His daughter, no longer captive.

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