Sheep in a Storm

When the Israelites were escaping Egypt and heading through the Red Sea, it may not have looked like deliverance. Your deliverance may not look like it either.

I remember watching “The Ten Commandments” as a child and being mesmerized as I saw the Red Sea part and the children of Israel making their escape from Egypt. I was even more amazed when I read that they created that scene with some sort of gelatin and some creative filmwork. The sights and sounds are still with me.

The Exodus account doesn’t give us a lot of details. There was a strong east wind that blew all night. God told Moses to raise his hand over the sea and when he did, the water parted and the land was dry. The Israelites walked through. The Egyptians followed. God brought chaos and chariot troubles on them before the walls of water fell and drowned the entire Egyptian army.

I know that it was a miraculous event that I have shortened to a length not suitable for its greatness. Read it, in all its glory, in Exodus 14. It is truly an event made for movies. God is just….well, God. But for now, I want to get to another account.

Psalm 77 recounts the story with the weather conditions included. Let’s pick up with verse 16:

When the Red Sea saw you, O God,

its waters looked and trembled!

The sea quaked to its very depths.

The clouds poured down rain;

the thunder rumbled in the sky.

Your arrows of lightning flashed.

Your thunder roared from the whirlwind;

the lightning lit up the world!

The earth trembled and shook.

Psalm 77:16-18

Do you see that? The sea quaked. We call that a tsunami today. Rain came pouring down. There was thunder coming from a whirlwind and lightning that lit up the world. The earth trembled and shook! Tsunamis and tornadoes and earthquakes! Oh my!

Does this look like deliverance to you? It’s hard enough to face the suicide situation of the Red Sea in front of you and the fierce Egyptian army behind you. Nevermind that this army has endured 10 plagues including the tragic death of every firstborn. Their desire to take revenge on the Hebrews burned within every soldier. It was certain death for the Hebrews. Their only way of escape is through a deep sea.

In the middle of this seemingly hopeless situation, the earth seems to have convulsions. This probably didn’t feel like deliverance either. An enemy army coming after their slaves is one thing. We expect men to be violent in battle. But the wind and the storms and the rain are all in the hands of God. Why was this happening?

Isn’t that a picture of life sometimes? You’re in deep with a situation that doesn’t appear to have a good option. We call it between a rock and a hard place. You know God is the only One who can unscramble this trial and carry you through it unscathed. And as you begin to seek His deliverance, it only gets worse. Or it seems that way.

This brings to mind those who battle addictions. Slavery is behind you, with all your slavemasters chasing you with chains in hand. You are running for your life. It would be so much easier to just stop and let them capture you again. Instead you run as far and as hard as you can. You have given it all your flesh can muster. Now you stand on the shore and look into the waters of impossible. There is no way that you can stop this madness.

The Red Sea represents freedom and it’s terrifying. Without your addiction you fear that you will drown. As you are contemplating the difficulties, the “weather” turns upside down. Maybe your “weather” is a storm of sickness or a bill tsunami or any other stresses that make you want to give up. Where is God in all of this? Why is this happening all at once?

Keep reading this chapter. There is a path.

Your road led through the sea,

your pathway through the mighty waters –

a pathway no one knew was there!

You led your people along that road like a flock of sheep,

with Moses and Aaron as their shepherds.

Psalm 78: 19, 20

IT’S THERE! His road is there! It goes right through the impossible. You may not see it yet. No one even knew it was there. He saved it for such a time as this. That wind you feel and the shaky waves you are watching are making a way for you on dry land. The thunder and lightning serve to scare your enemies. Don’t you turn back to your captors! God is going to hurl them into the sea.

It may not “feel” right. Why would it? It’s sheep walking on the bottom of the sea. It’s not going to feel safe right away. Maybe nobody in your family has been this way before. Notice He doesn’t change you into a fish so that you may “go with the flow” surrounding you. He leaves you a sheep. You are going to have to block out the roar of the waters and the threats of your old masters.

Instead, He has given us shepherds. There are people who will pray for you and have their own story of escape and freedom. Get in church and follow the voice of the Lord. He is the Good Shepherd. After He has rescued you from other masters, He will lead you Himself. The Holy Spirit will comfort you. This will become your song in the Promise Land.

“The LORD is my Shepherd.

I lack nothing.

He makes me lie down in green pastures,

He leads me beside still waters,

He refreshes my soul.

He guides me along the right paths for His name’s sake.

Even though I walk through the darkest valley,

I will fear no evil, for you are with me.

Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”

Psalm 23: 1-4

The Israelites made it and so will you. Your story will be told for generations. Or it should be! Dare to step foot toward the impossible. Watch God dry up the sea and then swallow your captors in waves. Follow your Shepherd all the way. He’s bringing you to the land of milk and honey!

See you on the other side!

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