Instructions for a Captive Daughter

He longs to set you free.

Hello Everybody! Maybe I should introduce myself… It’s crazy, but my last blog was July of 2020. Here I am sheepishly sitting down at my dusty desk to type again. Where have I been? “Uhhhhhh……. Well, see………. No, not covid related……” Let me cut to the chase, I’ve been right here, but not “write” here. No excuses, I just put down my keyboard for a short break that turned into a year. I’ve cleaned out closets, and drawers, took a few road trips and even flew to D.C., kept the books at church and actually subscribed to Netflix. Life. That’s what’s been on my plate. But let’s push the plate aside and jump into some sweet scripture that God gave me this week. So sweet, I just had to log back into my old friend, “”. Thank you for joining me.

Wake up, wake up, O Zion!
    Clothe yourself with strength.
Put on your beautiful clothes, O holy city of Jerusalem,
    for unclean and godless people will enter your gates no longer.
Rise from the dust, O Jerusalem.
    Sit in a place of honor.
Remove the chains of slavery from your neck,
    O captive daughter of Zion.
Isaiah 52:1-2

I know this is a scripture rarely quoted or memorized. I’m guessing you may not even have this one underlined in your Bible. I didn’t either until recently. It was a scripture that the Lord had me read and reread until the words spoke to me.

It is addressed to Jerusalem, the captive daughter of Zion. It is a prophetic admonition to her people. And while I am not Jewish; nor can I boast of Jerusalem citizenship, I am a child of God. “For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him,” Romans 10:12. This message called to me.

Wake up!

Wake up!! No one really enjoys those words. Here it is two times. Wake up! Wake up! Something needs to change. The Lord is calling us to be aware and come out of the fog. Clear the drowsiness and wipe the eyes. He has something to tell you.

“Clothe yourself with strength.” Well, this spoke to me that weak wills and timid convictions weren’t going to work here. Put your strong arms on. There are days and seasons in life that require strength. Teenage battles, sick parents, unjust bosses, or a husband that prefers football to family or wifi to wife. These take strength. Where do we get said strength? Yes, the joy of the Lord is our strength. His strength is made perfect in our weakness. And sometimes, as the Word here. You put it on. It’s available. You’ll never know how strong God has made you until you put it on. It’s that look at the giant in front of you and picking up the 5 smooth stones you have in front of you and call on the Lord while you swing.

“Put on your beautiful clothes, O holy city of Jerusalem.” So the Lord knows how to call out to the spirit and the flesh. Sometimes we have to get dressed. As a matter of fact, most of the time you need to get dressed. I’m not trying to start an argument here, but I can’t get serious about my day until I’ve got my clothes on. I’m not even talking about spiritual armor here, either. For me, that includes shoes; but I understand that’s optional. Are you caught in a trap of lazy days? You just can’t seem to get the house clean and supper made? Get dressed. Furthermore, God is saying put your good clothes on. Now, I know there are appropriate clothes for all occasions but sometimes we never find the cause sufficient to dress.

I’m a t-shirt girl and would never be described as fashionable. Honestly, my favorite outfit is elastic waist capris and a very loose top. But I can tell you that there have been times that dressing up just a bit has helped. It’s not just job interviews either. Often putting on your good clothes, brushing your hair, and a touch of makeup gives you just the confidence you need to meet your neighbor, speak to the grocery checker, or talk to your kid’s teacher. Don’t believe me? Wear a dress to the grocery store and see if you don’t get more assistance. Throw on a string a pearls and all of a sudden you have stepped into the polite society of Leave it to Beaver.

I’m not trying to be a “clothesline” preacher here, but sometimes life just requires us to put on our beautiful clothes.

You are the keeper of your gate.

God follows that with the declaration that “unclean and godless people will enter your gates no longer.” This was spoken to a city that had been ravaged by the enemy. Godless Assyrians had come and taken the holy things and taken many of the holy city into slavery. While we may not have lost homes or treasures to invading armies, some have lost hope and peace to the enemy. God may be saying to you, “Clean out your guest list.” Who are you letting in the gate? Do you have “friends” that are godless? I’m not talking about those you are actively witnessing to. I’m talking about those friends and maybe family that have the key to your door. They are always inviting you over to BBQ early Sunday or late night fun Saturday night. Church is never on the radar for them. When you try to talk about the Lord, they’re politely not interested. Maybe they continue to walk in the same addictions that you struggled to overcome the last 9 months and they bring that habit right up inside your gate. No more. Let me just throw this in here too. Your houseguests may be digital. How many teenagers have I prayed with over the years that sleep with their light on because they watch a constant stream of crime scene shows and a little paranormal here and there. God says don’t let them in to destroy. You are awakening to His call.

“Rise from the dust, O Jerusalem. Sit in a place of honor.” This is a dual action command. The first thing we are called to do is rise from the dust. This speaks of stagnation to me. You have sat in one place so long that not only does the Lord say, “Wake up!” but He also requires you to dust yourself off. Now yours might be a light dusting of nonuse of those talents or could be just straight up grime and dirt of sin. I don’t know and surely all of us have had both. Either way God says rise up out of the dirt and….”sit in a place of honor.” The NIV says, “sit enthroned”.

Followers of Christ have been given seats with Him. Jesus said He gave us His authority to cast out demons, heal the sick, and produce lasting fruit, among other things. Your place of honor or enthroned seat is just that. I am learning in life that authority has to be used. Our authority over satan will be tried and you will grow in strength and power as you operate in the authority given. Take your seat.

As Americans, haven’t we all wondered exactly what authority Queen Elizabeth actually has? I mean, she can’t “lop off their heads” as all the fairy tale queens could do. She seems to keep a “raised eyebrow” over the royal family, though there always seems to be an errant prince or princess. We don’t know her authority over England because she never uses it. She might make a speech or an appearance. I presume she will write a letter. But her authority is really questionable. I have never even seen her sit on her throne, have you?

That’s not how I want the devil to see me. He should be very aware of the authority God has given us. God says to us get up and sit down. Get up out of the doldrums of captivity and sit down in a seat of authority given by Him. This takes action and faith. Think about it. This captive girl has been sitting low so long that she’s gotten dusty. It’s gonna take some faith to stand, much less take your seat.

Then finally, the words that gripped me the most. “Remove the chains of slavery from your neck, O captive daughter”. This is where it got personal. You see, I have been on a quest to identify anything in my life that keeps me from pursuing God to the fullest. In other words, bondages. I am a Christian, through and through. I love Him, trust Him, and have a daily, rich relationship with Him. I am a daughter…yet, captive. As I sit with Him each day and in each circumstance, He is gently (oh so gently) showing me the shackles. I’m guessing you have them too.

Let me name of a few: fear (how many of our illnesses are linked to anxiety?), people pleasing (in a word, this is not possible as your ultimate goal), money (again, you’ll never have enough if you’re a slave to it), addictions (even the world will tell you this is bondage), and pride (no wonder God hates it). This is just a few. God has shown me others. If you ask, he will show you too. You will never take off a chain you can’t recognize. If you think pleasing people is a gold necklace around your neck, you will never yank off that shiny shackle. It takes real honest talks with the Father to see what you’re wearing. And I have never known a captive He didn’t desire to set free.

So allow me to encourage you. Wake up! Put on strength and wrap it in pretty clothes. Things are about to change. Clean your house of bad guests. Dust off the grime of life and take your authority provided by God. Then reach up there and break the chains that have suffocated you for years. You are free to be His daughter, no longer captive.

BELOVED, We are Gathered Here Today

Beloved. It’s not a word we use everyday…or ever. When I said it in my mind the only thing that sounded familiar was the title of today’s blog. We hear it spoken to all the family and friends gathered just before the bride and groom are invited to repeat vows . Or occasionally it is the beginning to a funeral service. The beloved are those gathered to say goodbye to the one they loved. Both are such solemn occasions. Beloved seems appropriate in such a setting.

But in this verse, it has a whole different emotion and audience.

“I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine…”

Song of Solomon 6:3

Song of Solomon is a allegorical story of two lovers, a king and his Shulamite. It’s beautiful, even in my limited scope of understanding. She has little to offer and He is grand in every respect, “outstanding among ten thousand” (S. of S. 5:10). Yet, she sings with such contentment that she is all His and He is hers. Their love anchored with this word of endearment, “beloved”. I had to look it up.

It turns out the word beloved in Hebrew is dodi. Dodi is where the name David comes from. It actually comes from the word yadiyad which means beloved friend. Want to go a little deeper? Yad means hand and yadiyad translates hand and hand. Isn’t that a beautiful picture of friendship?

So the Shulamite describes their mutual love as an intimate friendship, walking hand and hand with her beloved friend. It blows my mind to imagine the Lord desiring that kind of relationship with me. Talk about a Shulamite, I really have so very little to offer HIM. We are truly unmatched in relationship. Yet, I am His and He desires me. Find that hard to believe? Read this.

“I belong to my beloved, and his desire is for me.”

Song of Solomon 7:10
I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine.

It’s not pity, tolerance, or good deeds that keep us together. He desires….me. I wonder if He might enjoy my strange thoughts and everyday observations. He may like my corny jokes or my painful attempts at the piano. I don’t know really. But like the Shulamite, I sing with gusto, “His desire is for me!” And of course, you.

Need more proof? Revelation 4 gives us a glimpse at the throne room. As the twenty-four elders lay down their crowns they say something that gives us a glimpse of God’s view of creation. I like the way the King James Version puts it:

“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for Thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.”

Revelation 4:11

You see? You and I were created by God for His pleasure. He enjoys you and me. He finds pleasure in watching over our lives. He knows our frame and has written our days. Yet, we are not some kind of Barbie doll that God plays with for His entertainment. We are so much more. This is all very real for Him. Remember God is so in love with us that He gave His only Son for our salvation and forgiveness. This is not a game. But we are His pleasure.

Think about your own children. You did not “create” them only to play with or to provide you with hours of entertainment. You gave birth to them and fell in love even before their first cry. I remember thinking, prenatally, I was holding the best looking sonogram ever scanned. He was the cutest fetus ever! My son has been my pleasure all of his days. Has every day been a picture of obedience? No. Every homeschooling lesson a beautiful exchange of questions and knowledge? HA! Not to mention potty training, monitoring social media, and eating your vegetables. There have been hard seasons along the way. But pleasure, yes he has been our pleasure all of his days.

That’s God. You may have shared some rough times and regretful decisions. He will forgive those. He created you for His pleasure. Spend your days and nights pleasing Him. Share a funny thought with Him. Tell Him the things you love about life. He enjoys you. Be honest. He loves to hear your feelings. A friend and I were talking today about the absolute freedom to our soul when we verbalize our feelings and worries to Him. Even in that, God finds pleasure. And you my friend, will find peace.

This love fest between Our Beloved and us is described so well with this verse:

“He has taken me to the banquet hall, and his banner over me is love.”

Song of Solomon 2:4
Take a moment and imagine His banquet hall.

Allow me some imagining. God takes me, hand in hand, into the banquet room. Oh the delights to be discovered. The tables are laden with exquisite flower arrangements and crystal glasses and gold platters. My eyes are dazzled by all the colors and elegance. The food is beyond description and I wonder where He is going to seat me. Every table so interesting, where will He lead me?

It’s then I notice the banners. Above the grandeur of each setting, a banner displayed. Each one reads a different description. I read to my left and right, stand on my tiptoes, stretching and straining, looking over his shoulder to find the one where I might belong.

The first one I read is KNOWLEDGEABLE. Not exactly me. I can only wish as we pass by.

Next, WORK IN PROGRESS. Yep, that’s where I belong. I prepare to sit when I feel the Lord tug my hand harder. Well, I thought I was progressing.

Next table, CHRISTIAN Class 2. Probably… on a good day. The Lord continues to lead. No, this isn’t my table. Evidently there is a Class 3…or 12.

I’m getting a little discouraged. We walk past WEAK WITNESS. Thankfully. Although I’m sure the Lord knew that was an apt description of the friend with whom He held hands.

Then I saw it. FORGIVEN. I immediately attempted to pull out a chair. I don’t want to be noticed at the head of this table, but thankful that it’s true. The Lord pushed in the chair. It was not for me. Nonplussed, I had to ask. “Lord, surely I am forgiven. Please let me sit here.”

The Lord smiled and squeezed my hand. “Yes, you are forgiven, my daughter, but it is not for your sins that I know you. Come on.”

We then passed the banner MUCH AFRAID and honestly I know the Lord could feel my trembling hand. But that wasn’t my table either.

We were nearly to the back of the room. It was quieter there and not so distracting with glitter and glam. I knew these tables were more intimate and the arrangements were conducive to quiet times spent together. Tears and laughs would be shared. Such was the peace of this setting that i knew whispered conversations could be understood here. My feelings and questions felt welcome.

I was so thrilled when God pulled out my chair. My heart filled with anticipation as I plopped down and found the arrangement so cozy. My soul was at home. I was in this new place and my soul found rest.

The Lord had seated me at the perfect table. Of course He did. He knew exactly what I needed. I would never be happy under any other banner. I turned to the Lord with tearful gratitude in my eyes. “Lord, this is splendid. You have found my table. You know me, Lord. I didn’t even get the chance to read the banner. What is it, Lord? Who am I to You? What is my banner?”

I will never forget His smile as He turned my chair so I could read the banner. “You belong here, because my banner over you is LOVE.”

His Love is Fear’s Cure

Knowing God loves me destroys those creeping fears.

No fear. Pure joy!

I usually love the blank page, or screen, in this instance. I presume its like a blank canvas to an artist or pile of wood to a builder. The possibilities are just fun to consider. I think anybody could be a writer if they weren’t bothered by the blank page. But sometimes words just escape me. Advice to self: Just write something. Scratch outs and delete buttons are just a part of the process.

It’s under those conditions I write today. The world is in the midst of a global sickness called coronavirus. Those who aren’t sick, fear they are next. This fear sneaks up on me even though I know the truths of Psalm 91. My enemy points to every mild symptom and tells me that it is just the early stages of the inevitable. This is the case even though there is only 1 case of the disease in my county and two in the county next to me. But then again, fear is never rational. It’s that unwelcome guest that creeps in and sets up a bedroom if we don’t pay attention.

So how do we deal with creeping fear?

This is how I fight it: God loves me. That fact restores my faith. His love determines my days. Now from the get go, let me say that doesn’t mean that God doesn’t love those who are sick today. No way. Truth be told He loves us all immeasurably. He loves everyone in the world. Let that sink in. Refer to Christianity’s most memorized verse:

“For God SO LOVED THE WORLD that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

John 3:16

He loves us….me….you. This is not a provision for the perfect. It’s not “saints only” need apply. God’s love comes from Him, who is love. To prove it, He made the first move to show His adoration for you.

“But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners Christ died for us.”

Romans 5:8

How can the unholy be in a relationship with the Holy?

Do you sometime feel like you’re just not the kind God loves. How can you trust Him to take care of you when you’ve not done your part? Because God built the bridge between you. His own perfect son died for your punishment. I’m not sure I can even comprehend that type of love. I remember reading the fictional story of “The Whipping Boy” about a young man whose only job was to take the spankings that the spoiled prince deserved in this make believe kingdom. But in our reality, God’s son took the capital punishment for our sin. We deserved the punishment. He took it. We would have died and spent eternity in the darkness of hell. He died and rose again and sits at the right hand of God making intercession for us. (Romans 8:34) He would say to you today, “I love you.”

What makes me so sure?

That love is not diminished or diminishable. It’s not built on your accomplishments or destroyed by your failures. The Bible tells us in that same chapter (Romans 8) that we literally can’t be separated from His love. Can demons break God’s love for you? Nope. Angels? No. Fears for today or worries about tomorrow? They cannot separate us from His love. Nothing in creation is strong enough to keep us from His love. Look it up. Romans 8:38. He closes the list with this:

“No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who LOVES US.

Romans 8:39

There is one certainty. God loves you.

Don’t you wish you knew them?

So, I walk in sweet peace that God is in charge. As I surrender my life to Him and give Him my heart in return for His enduring love, life is good. I sleep well knowing that God really loves me. I know that nothing will happen that God doesn’t see and as the perfect lover of my soul, my Father walks with me and assures me His arms hold me tight. I’ve never been safer. Those who love me the most couldn’t protect me like He does.

Do trials and hard times come? Sure. We still live on earth. But His presence makes all the difference. Prayer is not a religious exercise that earns the love of God. It is a daughter laying against His knee and telling Him all of her worries and victories. Thankful for most and trusting for the rest. Then like any Father/daughter relationship I sit and listen to what perfect words He will speak to me. It’s not the great thunderous words from heaven, but the still small voice that interrupts my thoughts. When He speaks, it is often a promise from His Word and always a truth given with loving care. Even His correction in my life has been with the deepest love. I will write about that another day.

Be brave. Talk to Him.

I want to close with this. If you don’t have the peace of God in your heart today, ask Him. Don’t think about it. Ask Him. He is real and He wants you to REALLY speak to Him. If He is not your Lord and Savior, He wants to be. Talk to Him. No magic words, just ask Him to forgive you for everything. Remember, that is why He died. Then make a commitment to Him to be God of your life. Now follow Him. Get a Bible (there’s tons online) and find a church. (This coronavirus social distancing thing won’t last forever.) I can’t even tell you how that will change things in your life. His promises to His followers are amazing. His love is like no other.

And to all who love God and yet struggle with creeping fear, I love the words of Paul here as he considers the vastness of Christ’s love for us:

“I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ..”

Ephesians 3:17-19

What a gift to grasp the magnitude of His love. To know He loves us emboldens our faith in Him. It is like children being held by their father during a thunderstorm. The loud booms only cause us to snuggle closer. It is like watching a hair raising action film for the second time. All the danger and action are there but you already know it ends well. To live this life assured of His constant and amazing love, is to live it to its absolute fullest, flying through the air knowing that God stands ready to catch you. As noted in Ephesians, it is truly “His glorious riches” to GRASP His great love.


If you made a commitment to follow the Lord, please, please, please let me know. You can send me message on the Write Me Back menu page. I want to pray for you.

A Marriage Made in Heaven

Just when you thought you would watch the wedding from afar, you became the bride!

Do you ever read the Bible and just get sucked in? I mean the words draw you in so intensely your eyes race across the page in almost competition with your brain to see the next verse. It’s as if God is speaking and if you stop reading you may lose the very words of life. It happens and usually when I need Him the greatest.

My second thought today is how much I love a wedding. To see all the fairytale decorations, little boys and girls dressed like royalty, and all the sweet surprises along the way. Will the bride giggle or the groom cry? I want to see the cake, collect the favors, and sign the book. And then there is the bride and her glorious dress. It’s as close to Cinderella as most young girls will ever be. There are very few things more beautiful than a blushing bride and that handsome man waiting for her when the music starts. And the music…oh me….pass a tissue, please. Seriously, weddings could only be more fun if I could attend in my sweat pants.

So today, I combine them. I read a passage of scripture recently that has rolled over and over in my mind until I’m about to burst. It’s a wedding song written for Solomon. I’m not sure which wife this might have been…but never mind, to me it’s a song that only Jesus deserves and His church, His lovely bride.

(I paraphrased it so that I would be forced to read and glean every word. I hope you don’t mind. For sure, read the real, non-Suellyn, version too. Psalm 45.)

There He stands, so handsome that no man compares.
His words so gracious and kind, they pour easily from His strong lips.
God's blessing evident on Him and will remain constant throughout His life and then eternity.
Oh Mighty Warrior, strap on your sword.
Ride out in absolute conquering victory!
Your cause is not coercion but truth;
A battle cry not of pride, but for the humble;
Defending those treated unjustly.
Lead great Savior and perform your deeds, while we stand speechless in awe.
The sword is not Your only weapon, you hurl sharp arrows piercing the hearts of your enemy.
His horde now trembles at your sight.
Even strong nations fall at your feet.

Your Authority does not fade. Millennia to millennia declare your kingship.
Your righteous subjects do not fear your scepter, for it is always just.
You love right living and you hate evil, to the same degree.
You are drenched in God's anointing;
This oil of joy that separates you from the rest.
You smell good too. Each robe you wear sporting a manly scent.
And what makes you happy? I saw you tapping your toe to a nicely plucked tune.
People always gather around you; that "desired" crowd that desires you.
Princesses are in your attendance but your queen stands by your side.

And now in verse 10, the song turns our attention to the Queen. That’s you and me, the Bride of Christ, and the words just melt me.

Listen to me Daughter of God.  Don't miss this:
Forget your family and all your past identifications, good and bad.
Just be still and let the King enjoy your beauty.
There is no need for a resume or trophy case. He just thrills looking at you.
Give him a place of preeminence.
After all, He is your Master.
As His bride you will wear the vibrant gowns of another land.
Those called wealthy will want your opinion.
Dazzling in your home, you wear a dress embroidered with pure gold.
In this heavenly robe you will be led to your King.
And you're not alone in the procession.
You'll bring friends with you to the kingdom.
This is no solemn entrance, no hush tones or timid meeting.
You come in with laughter and shrills of joy.
The King throws open His door. Love and joy abound.

Now go and read the NIV or KJV or whatever version you prefer of Psalm 45 to see for yourself. The love between these two makes the Hallmark Channel look like puppy love. He is the Zenith of grooms and He declares her beauty enthralling. He is perfect in authority and she is bubbling with laughter as she comes to Him. It is truly a marriage made in Heaven.

So I would invite you, as I have, to read these words and imagine the pageantry of the wedding. Imagine yourself the bride, catching the eye of your Groom as you walk down the aisle. You are sure that no one has ever loved you like this and you are right. The dress is gorgeous, the palace is flawless, your friends are there; but it’s Him that makes your heart beat faster.

My favorite part: “Let the king be enthralled by your beauty” (vs. 11). Listen, I’m just a bit past my beauty prime. Haha. Whenever that was! I am comfortable with my reflexion but I’m positive “my beauty” is not enthralling. EXCEPT to Him. He doesn’t lie after all. So, the King finds His bride enthralling. Just “Let the King be enthralled…”. He made you and finds you absolutely beautiful. And to all my fellow doers, notice it wasn’t her achievements, to do list, accomplishments or the committees she chaired. It was her beauty; the very thing for which she can’t take any credit at all. I’m pretty sure it’s not the hair color, salon nails, and pretty pink lipstick that he adores anyways. It’s you.

If you are not certain of your place in this surreal scene the last chapter of the last book of the Bible gives us an invitation to the wedding. After Jesus describes some of the wonders of Heaven, Jesus promises His return with the rewards in hand. This is the response:

The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.

Revelation 22:17

You see the Holy Spirit awaits His return. The Bride of Christ, the church, longs for His coming. The invitation is to those who hear…may you say to the Lord, Come! And then the scripture plays on the word and says that if you are thirsty for life with Him then you come. You COME and if you wish take the free gift of LIFE! Just when you thought you would watch the wedding from afar, you became the bride! If you accept this invitation, CONGRATULATIONS! I can’t wait to see you at the wedding.

Just a Servant of the King

Those opportunities you have taken to go the extra mile; bringing soft rags when ropes were all that was required, have been recorded by The KING. Don’t believe me? They why do we know Ebed-melech’s name?

Sometimes the little mentioned and lesser known people in the Bible are my favorite examples. They are just ordinary enough for us to imagine ourselves in their sandals and yet extraordinary enough for us to imagine being that heroic.

I am reading the book of Jeremiah and while the determination and heroism that Jeremiah displays amazes me, there is another guy that has my attention. Ebed-Melech was an Ethiopian, a eunuch, who was in service to the king . As a matter of fact, his name literally translates, “servant of the king”. I’m assuming the king may have had a say in that. The question is, to which king was he servant

He was in the palace of King Zedekiah. Wielding borrowed power, Zedekiah was a “puppet” king of Judah appointed by none other than the King of Babylon, His Royal Highness King Nebuchadnezzar. Zedekiah wasn’t just a Babylon royal flunky or a street urchin from Jerusalem, he was actually the son of King Josiah of Judah, but not of the same caliber. His biggest failure was of course, disobeying the Lord.

“Neither he nor his attendants nor the people of the land paid any attention to the words the LORD had spoken through Jeremiah the prophet.”

Jeremiah 37:2

But he did like some prayer cover from Jeremiah. He is recorded saying, “Please pray to the LORD our God for us.” Jeremiah 37:3b. He would send for Jeremiah secretly and ask for a word from God. I’ve seen this before. All of my life, U.S. Presidents, would call on Rev. Billy Graham to pray on the eve of an important event. They might not be obedient to the Lord themselves, but hey, Rev. Graham was, so let’s get him to ask God for help. It couldn’t hurt. Personally, I was always glad to see it. The same was true of Zedekiah. He knew that the Lord’s blessing was needed to survive but obeying just never came easy.

Who was Jeremiah?

Jeremiah was a prophet with an unpopular message and to ask him to pray was to ask for the truth of God’s message to the people, no matter how harsh. Jeremiah had already endured great suffering for the messages God gave him. He had been flogged, held in a cell, a dungeon, stocks, and was forced to hide from his own people. God had also put some demands on him. He was told to walk around without clothes for a time, wear a metal collar, buy property in a land going into captivity, and other extreme”object lessons”.

Why so much hatred for Jeremiah? His message: Judah was going to be captured by Babylon and the only way to survive was surrender. Just follow your captors and make the best of it. If you stay here in the Promised Land and try to fight you will surely die. Your great sin has brought God’s judgement. Not exactly patriotism and prosperity.

As a matter of fact that scripture that we all love so much and quote as our own promise:

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.”

Jeremiah 29:11

Those are instructions for going into captivity. Jeremiah gives them this promise right after telling them their captivity would last seventy years and then God would come do all the good things He had promised. Knowing their condition makes this verse an even more welcome promise.

Setting all that aside, we know Jeremiah made personal enemies throughout his life by calling out false prophets and denying the swelling words of Israel’s leaders. He could have originated the saying, “don’t shoot the messenger.” Jeremiah said in chapter 20:8, “When I speak, the words burst out, ‘Violence and destruction!’ I shout. So these messages from the Lord have made me a household joke.” Yet, Jeremiah was faithful to the true warning and His God who spoke to Him.

Opposition Comes – Brings Opportunity

In chapter 38, a group of court officials decided they had heard enough. Without going into the backgrounds of each, suffice it say they had either had confrontations with Jeremiah themselves or their father and grandpa had and there was a family grudge against him.

So these officials went to the king and said, “Sir, this man must die! That kind of talk will undermine the morale of the few fighting men we have left, as well as that of all the people. This man is a traitor!

King Zedekiah agreed. “All right,” he said. ” Do as you like, I can’t stop you.”

Jeremiah 38: 4,5

Okay Zedekiah. These are court officials. Your court officials. You are the king. I don’t know what kind of royal politics is being played here, but kings usually trump princes. Nevertheless, they won and Zedekiah sat on his weak hands and let the man of God suffer.

A song titled: Alone in a Muddy Pit

The Bible says “they took him from his cell and lowered him by ropes into an empty cistern in the prison yard. There was no water in the cistern but there was a thick layer of mud at the bottom and Jeremiah sank down in it.” (The pictures above were taken from the plot of ground said to be Caiaphas’ yard. He had several cells behind his home and this cistern. These were from Jesus’ time and a church has been built on top.) The fact that there was a thick layer of mud makes me think this would have been in the rainy season, probably cold. Jeremiah is sitting in this deep, dark, wet mudhole waiting until starvation took his life. The mud is making his skin sensitive. He is cold with no relief. All of his clothes are wet and heavy with mud. Soaked to the bone but thirsty beyond words, Jeremiah sits and laments. Literally, he was the author of the book of Lamentations. He wrote this of his experience.

My enemies, whom I have never harmed, hunted me down like a bird. They threw me into a pit and dropped stones on me. The water rose over my head and I cried, “This is the end!”

Lamentations 3:52-54

That’s where our friend, Ebed-melech appears. Jeremiah 38 tells us that when Ebed-melech realized what had happened to Jeremiah, he ran to King Zedekiah who was holding court in the Benjamin Gate. Surrounded by more court officials, Ebed-melech accuses the other officials of wickedness for putting Jeremiah in the muddy cistern. The food had nearly run out in city and Jeremiah would surely die.

A servant telling a king that his decision was wrong, his court officials were wicked, and making this pronouncement while the king is holding court is unthinkable. Ebed-melech was only a servant of the king. He took a great chance. He spoke against the popular opinions of the day. This wouldn’t lead to promotion. It might lead to death. It’s becoming more clear, which King he serves.

“Speak up for those who can not speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed.”

Proverbs 31:8

King Zedekiah, always the puppet, agreed with Ebed-melech this time. “Take thirty of my men with you, and pull Jeremiah out of the cistern before he dies.” 38:10.

Serving the King is ALWAYS an Adventure

The Bible tells us that Ebed-melech went to a room in the palace beneath the treasury and found some rags to soften the ropes he would use to pull out Jeremiah. Ebed-melech called down to Jeremiah, “Put these rags under your armpits to protect you from the ropes.” vs. 12. When Jeremiah was ready they pulled him out.

Ebed-melech’s care shows extraordinary compassion. It wouldn’t do for Ebed-melech to tie off a cattle rope and throw it down to Jeremiah with the instruction to pull himself up. Ebed-melech didn’t say, “Hey, I talked to the king. You thirty guys heard him. Get him out.” Ebed-melech didn’t even rush Jeremiah. The Bible points out that he didn’t pull a single inch until Jeremiah was ready.

Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience

Colossians 3:12

He was a servant of the KING. He knew a servant should be entrusted with a job from start to finish, and that his work reflected on his king. His king loved Jeremiah and he was worth the effort.

The rescue is completed and the book of Jeremiah continues. Jeremiah is held in prison, not free, but not in a muddy cistern. While he is there and shortly before the captivity of Jerusalem is completed by Nebuchadnezzar, Jeremiah received this message from the Lord.

Jehovah Remembers

Say to Ebed-melech the Ethiopian, ‘This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, the God of Israel, says: I will do to this city everything I have threatened. I will send disaster, not prosperity. You will see its destruction, but I will rescue you from those you fear so much. Because you trusted me, I will give you your life as a reward, I will rescue you and keep you safe. I, the Lord, have spoken!’

Jeremiah 39:16-18
“You will see its destruction, but I will rescue you.” Words from the KING.

The Lord sends word that Ebed-melech’s service was not only noticed but would be rewarded. He’s told that his rescue of Jeremiah will result in God’s rescue of him. The city would fall. The disaster, as promised, would come but that which Ebed-melech feared wouldn’t destroy him. He was a believer in the messages of judgement Jeremiah had preached. He feared God’s wrath on Jerusalem. The LORD’s final words must have brought such relief. “I will rescue you and keep you safe. I, the LORD, have spoken!”

God never loses count. He can destroy and spare simultaneously. Ask Rahab. He knows those who belong to Him. He really knows them. It’s the kind of knowing that says, “I know your fears.”, “I saw that selfless act.”, and “I know you are trusting me.”

Even when the “king” we serve at the moment may not seem just or wise; or the times we must swim against the flow of popular demand, He sees. Those opportunities you have taken to go the extra mile; bringing soft rags when ropes were all that was required, have been recorded by The KING. Don’t believe me? Then why do we know Ebed-melech’s name?

And the rewards are certain. The KING that Ebed-melech served has spoken.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the LORD, not human masters, since you know you will receive an inheritance from the LORD, as a reward. It is the LORD Christ you are serving.”

Colossians 3:23-24

What is you’re calling? Just a Servant to the KING.

He Made Us,…

He made us and we are His. That answers so many of life’s questions.

“Acknowledge that the LORD is God!

He made us, and we are His.

We are His people, the sheep of His pasture.”

Psalm 100:3

When I was in the fourth grade, I joined the kids choir at First Baptist Church in my little town. We practiced every Wednesday afternoon and eventually our small group signed up for a church choir competition, although I’m sure it wasn’t called that. Christians don’t compete, we “encourage” one another on to excellence. Anyway, the verse above was the opening to our worship song. Actually, we quoted all 5 verses of this well known chapter.

A couple of weeks ago, I came across this chapter again and then wrote down that middle line. “He made us, and we are His.” Let that roll over your mind for a bit. Maybe write it down. I apologize for not getting too deep this week, but often the simplicity of the Word is what astounds us.

As I considered this verse, I began to answer questions with it. Let me give you an example.

Q. Why should I obey God?

A. He made us, and we are His.


Q. Why does He love me?

A. He made us, and we are His.

You can try it.

Q. Why am I so fill in the blank?

Yes, “He made us, and we are His.

You catch my drift? Once I got started, the questions kept coming:

Why should I not fear satan?

He made us, and we are His.

Why should I not fear…period?

He made us, and we are His.

Do I have a purpose?

He made us, and we are His.

Does anyone really love me?

He made us, and we are His.

Do I have any skills or talents?

He made us, and we are His.

My husband has left me for another.

He made us, and we are His.

My parents always favored my sister over me.

He made us, and we are His.

Again, another promotion has passed me by.

He made us, and we are His.

Really nothing compares to those 7 sweet words. He made me and I belong to Him. Again, this sounds like a lesson you teach your toddlers, but I couldn’t get away from it. Sometimes our exhaustive studies of Hebrew roots and Greek translations are just that – exhaustive. The Lord invites us back to the simple promises that brought us to Him in the first place.

He made us, and we are His.

Some time back, I had listened to a sermon and it pierced me. I could barely raise my head when it was over. The conviction of its words seemed to pinpoint past the excuses and facade and dealt with things I didn’t even realize were there. I needed some time alone with God. I headed to the park. We have a nice walking path and the Lord had me quote this scripture over and over as I circled the park for nearly an hour.

“I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine…”

Song of Solomon 6:3
Full disclosure: Those aren’t my shoes or feet.

Now that might sound a little obsessive, but as I repeated its’ truth, it went in deeper and deeper. I had repented, the fog of sin had lifted, and now He was assuring me of His never failing love. I belonged to Him. I am my beloved’s, no matter what threats or accusations are assailed at me.

“But to all who believed Him and accepted Him, He gave the right to become children of God.”

John 1:12

Children of God!! We are not those generic children-of-the-world that God created, therefore called “children of God”. No, we believed in Him and accepted Him and have been given such rights as a child of God. God is Our Father. No matter what the devil may tell you this week, this is the truth.

You do believe in Him and have accepted Him, right? If not, there is no better time than this to be adopted. It’s as easy as believing that Jesus came to earth, lived a sinless life, and died to pay for your sins. He came back to life three days later, to show victory over satan and death. He now sits on the right side of God and prays (intercedes) for us. Just ask for adoption into the family of God and start living like a child of GOD would live. All of your mistakes and sins in the past will be forgiven when you ask, too. You start out brand new. Yes, there’s much more to the relationship, but God gives us a lifetime to learn about Him and His many benefits.

“God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure.”

Ephesians 1:5
One of Africa’s most precious. Discarded by man, but adopted by God.

All of this happens because of Jesus. Ironic, because He is the one and only begotten son of our Father. From His lofty position in the Family, He brings us into adoption. His authority and love from the Father is not threatened by us because there is no end to either. He can freely share because the Father has freely shared with Him. We just bathe in the benefits.

So, welcome to the family if you are just getting started. Don’t forget His many benefits, if you have been here a long time. Repeat those early promises if you need the reminder. John reminded the Christians of his day.

“See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are!”

1 John 3:1

…And we are His.

You’ve Got Mail

You walk in the door leaving the stresses of your job in the garage, where you will pick them up tomorrow. Now it’s time for supper, kitchen clean-up, a little yard work before it’s dark, and then pay a few bills before bed. Ho hum. But first, you rifle through the mail. Bill, catalog, another cruise advertisement, bill, letter, dentist appointment reminder…. Wait! Go back! It’s a letter. I got a letter. It doesn’t look like an invitation. It’s not my birthday. I don’t even think it is a thank you card. It’s a real, this-changes-my-whole-day, letter! Been there?

You brew the coffee, put up your lunch bag, let the dog out and make sure all is right in your little world before you sit down to tear open this rare envelope. You want to savor it. I will typically read it once, quickly jumping from bit to bit as if it will vanish if I don’t read it fast enough. Then I reread it and let the words enter my heart and mind like a good song.

That’s the power of a letter.

It is an art that is vanishing with the click of an email, or even faster, a text. I’m not opposed to those. I use them all the time. But there is an uniqueness to a handwritten letter. Words are chosen carefully and put down in ink for all to see and often kept for posterity. Just after I finished 8th grade my parents decided to move us to another town. It was actually an adjoining town to where I had grown up, but it might as well been another universe. Starting high school with no friends was terrifying. I remember when I received a letter from my old Best Friend Forever back home. Her words soothed an anxious soul. She missed me “lots” and quoted an Amy Grant song that we both loved, “in a little while, we’ll be with the Father”. (I told you it was traumatic.). I still have that letter.

I have a stack of postcards that a close friend sent to me as her and her hubby traveled for weeks at a time after he retired. Her day-to-day adventures and laughs were shared with me to refresh my non-vacationing soul. It was as if I was making memories with them.

Speaking of hubbies, mine is a man of few words; but I have a heart shaped box full of letters he wrote before we married. Priceless. What a gift that will be for my grandkids.

I bet you tried to read the letter above. See how inviting they are?

Then there are the letters that came in the mail from a friend at the very moment it was so desperately needed. “I want you to know how much our friendship means to me.”, “I prayed for you this morning.”, or “I read this scripture today and I thought of you.” Those are the ones you pull out of the folds of your Bible and reread on those days your love tank is sucking fumes……or on just any day a “word hug” is needed.

Letter writing is biblical. David wrote letters as king. Elijah wrote a letter in 2 Chronicles and Jeremiah is recorded as a letter writer as well. The first apostles wrote letters to the early church, Peter wrote several letters and of course there is Paul writing the epistles (letters) to the Corinthians, Ephesians, Philippians and so on. Some of the most famous letters were those Jesus instructed John to write to the seven churches in Revelation.

We are still rereading those and will continue until the words are all fulfilled. Their words were of course inspired of God and Holy. (2 Timothy 3:16). Ours can be also. I’m not saying that people will one day memorize your letter to Aunt Myrtle, but the words you prayerfully scribble could be the very encouragement or truth that God would say to her today.

“The words of the godly are a life-giving fountain…”

Proverbs 10:11

“The words of the godly encourage many,…”

Proverbs 10:21

“Some people make cutting remarks; but the words of the wise bring healing.”

Proverbs 12:18

That note that you keep putting off could make all the difference, even bring healing. God can use your stationery and pen to give life. There will be a word or story or a question that shows concern and it makes an impact on the reader’s day and ultimately her life. When she reads your story she’ll know you think enough of her to share. She will pull it out to show family and they too will enjoy your tales.

I know the blank sheet of paper, no matter how beautiful, can be intimidating. Where do you start? What should you say? Well, let me answer with a question. What were the thoughts that made you want to write this person in the first place? Do you have a word to encourage? Do you miss them? Have you a memory that made you smile? I can’t imagine anything sweeter than being reminded of a special laugh shared between friends. Sometimes we have something difficult to say or too awkward tete-a-tete. That is the perfect time to write those words. You can practice the lay of them and get the meaning just right. For those of us who stumble frequently over spoken words, writing them gives the pause I need to make my thoughts meaningful.

Let me also encourage the men who are reading today, this pertains particularly to you. History tells us that President Ronald Reagan was a prolific letter writer, having written at least 10,000 letters in his lifetime. His legacy includes letters of appreciation and encouragement to prime ministers as well as private citizens, his family, and even children. There are volumes of love letters he wrote to his dear Nancy. Thankfully, many of our forefathers were the same. Much of what we know about their beliefs and convictions is from letters they wrote. Can you imagine what an impact you could make on future generations in your family? I think I have kept every letter that my dad ever wrote me. Your written word, Dad, could be the word needed and held to for decades.

Speaking of legacies, they are not made of phone calls. You can’t reread a telephone conversation. Even in the repeating of the story often the truth is lost. Texts are necessary and memes are hilarious, but a written word of truth lasts. Often, I find myself ending a letter with scripture. It’s almost as if to say, “Never mind all the gobbledy gook I just jotted in the last six paragraphs. Here is the truth.”

I found this quote and thought it pretty much nailed me.

A woman seldom writes her Mind, but in her postscript.

Richard Steele, Spectator

Paul would often close his letters with final instructions. Greet these friends, beware of those, hope to see you soon. So-and-so sends his love. Then he would evidently sign it with his own large handwriting. Maybe someone did the letter writing from dictation (often Paul’s hands were chained) and he would sign. It was important to him. It’s the handshake at the end of the message and proved it was from him.

Peter said in 1 Peter 5:12, “My purpose in writing is to encourage you and assure you that what you are experiencing is truly part of God’s grace for you. Stand firm in this grace.” Those words are still assuring to the follower of Christ. I want to write letters that encourage and speak grace to the reader, causing them to stand firm and continue in the battle. Don’t you?

So what do you say? Grab a nice sheet of paper and your favorite pen and “hug” someone with words today.

You want my address???

Sufficient Grace is Amazing

“Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’

2 Corinthians 12:8,9

I thought I knew. It’a word I throw around like it’s common; a catchall of words to describe God’s goodness. I walk in this, rest in this, and I’m literally saved by this. Truth is, I was going to name my daughter this. Instead I had a hulky boy, now man, that would have had a hard time explaining his name as GRACE.

New York City, October 2015, Manhattan

GRACE. Isn’t it just one of those Christianese words that seems to flow out of our mouths often and yet, I’m guessing we hardly give it a deeper thought. We throw it in with mercy and lump it into salvation and there we go with another pretty way to say we are forgiven.

As I began to search just a small bit deeper, the meanings and examples are amazing. Besides the verse above, there are many others that made me think and ponder. Here are a few:

“But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.” Genesis 6:8

“The king loved Esther more than all the other women, and she obtained grace and favor in his sight more than all the virgins; …” Esther 2:17

“… The Lord will give grace and glory; No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly.” Psalm 84:11

“Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain! And he shall bring forth the capstone with shouts of ‘Gracegrace to it!’ ” Zechariah 4:7

“And the Child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him.” Luke 2:40

Just these five verses show the diversity and depth of grace. For Noah, it was how God saw him amidst the chaos and sin of the world. Esther was King Xerxes’s favorite and obtained grace. God gives grace along with all the other good things he gives to the upright. Notice, the upright receive grace. We typically think of the sinner getting grace. Zerubabbel shouted “Grace, Grace” as he set the cornerstone for the temple. He might be doing the work, but it was God’s grace that would see it accomplished. And finally, Jesus is described as a child with the grace of God upon Him. That is certainly not forgiveness or mercy.

We are saved by grace (Ephesians 2:8,9). We are invited to approach the Throne of Grace to receive mercy (Hebrews 4:16). Romans 6:14 tells us that we are no longer under the law, but under grace. Grace is a small word with a HUGE gift. I was so pleasantly surprised to read the definitions.

Strong’s defines grace as kindness, favor, beauty, pleasant, precious, well-favored. In the Outline of Biblical Usage it is favor, grace, charm, elegance, and acceptance. How wonderful to be seen in the eyes of the Lord like this. We can’t earn those entitlements; they are given by God. God gives His grace to us and we walk with the elegance and acceptance of His favored children. How pleasant!

Horses are the most graceful of animals. They are regal with a sense of knowing they are animals of the kings.

You may have heard the definition of grace as “unmerited favor” and that is true, but for me that doesn’t paint the complete picture. Maybe I get hung up on the unmerited part. It’s not only the idea of mercy for the woeful sinner I am, but the amazing truth that I’m favored – a favorite. That’s grace.

So, when Paul is plagued with some thorn in the flesh from satan and asks the Lord to take it away three times, the Lord responds that “His grace is sufficient for Him.” God doesn’t offer forgiveness nor healing, not mercy or wisdom. He promises grace sufficient. His grace. It is that gift of walking in this life with the precious and pleasant favor of God. Charles Spurgeon wrote about this verse, “He who knows, like the bee, how to suck honey from flowers, may well linger over each one of these words and drink in unutterable content.”

MY – GRACE- IS – Sufficient – for – YOu

Growing up I always loved the movies Cinderella and Snow White. No matter the wickedness that threatened and plotted against them, they walked in the pleasantness and charm of grace. The inner beauty of grace caused birds to sing and princes to swoon. They knew they were loved and that made all the difference. Even though they are fictional, the movies portray the confidence and humility that comes from knowing our KING loves us and His grace is our gift. Grace says, “I know that I appear to be not up to the challenges, but HIS power is made perfect in weakness.” (see 2 Corinthians 12:9). “His grace is sufficient for me.”

Reading Paul’s letters, I concentrate on the closings. I’m a letter writer and find that a letter in the mail is one of this life’s greatest joys. Paul would take care of business when he closed and usually ended with a blessing that reads like your favorite Psalm. The last verse of 2 Corinthians closes with:

“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ,

the love of God, and

the fellowship of the Holy Spirit

be with you all.”

2 Corinthians 13:14

His amazing grace! This “kiss of God’s favor” is all I need. I can’t think of anything I would rather have. When the world is so unkind, grace tells me I am His masterpiece. When my soul is troubled and I can’t find any good, grace shows me His goodness. Grace leaves me “handfuls on purpose” left by my Savior. And though half my life over and all down hill, I will age grace-fully. Grace is a gift of God. Like the old hymn taught us, His grace is quite amazing.

Getting to Know…Me

There has been a thought rolling around in my heart for a while. I say heart, because that is where God deals. The question I ponder is not how well do I know God, but rather how well does He know me. I know on the surface that may sound a little, well, me-ish; but hang with me for a bit and see what I mean.

The idea first came to me after reading a very familiar passage.

“Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me you evildoers!’ “

Matthew 7:22, 23

This a scene of judgement. What strikes me is that even in judgement God wants to discuss relationship. Evidently many people will try making a case to enter Heaven that sounds “spiritually” compelling. Speaking personally, I’m not sure that my Christian resume reads anything like these. Prophesying, casting out demons, and performing lots of miracles would be enough to convince most of us they belong inside the pearly gates.

Jesus says otherwise and he says it plainly. “I don’t know you and as a matter of fact, get away from me.” Aye, yie, yie. I can’t imagine worse words to hear. It makes me cringe, just putting it in 2019 English. But my thoughts today aren’t on the fires of hell or even eternal judgement. It’s in that “I never knew you” part.

As believers, we strive to know the Lord. There are countless scriptures encouraging people to know God. Study the scriptures because they testify of Him. Seek His presence and His will. Seek Him with all your heart. These are all truths and the only way to be a disciple; but Jesus didn’t say plainly, ‘Get away from me evildoers. You don’t know me.’ It was clearly, ‘I don’t know you.’

If you are like me, your thought process goes something like this. But God knows everything. He certainly knows me. The Bibles tells me so.

“O LORD, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts even when I’m far away. You see me when I travel and when I rest at home. You know everything I do. You know what I am going to say even before I say it, LORD.”

Psalm 139:1-4

There is nothing hidden before God. Your heart is not camouflaged before Him. So, what gives? How can He not know those condemned in judgement? I asked the Lord.

He set my mind to thinking about the few people that I would say “know” me. My husband will ask me what’s wrong as soon as I walk in the house. He knows that face. My son answers my questions before I finish asking. It goes like this. “Did you…?” “Yea, I saw it.”

Some friends may even be able to finish my sentences. It may be a sibling, a spouse, or a bestie in your life. They’re fun to talk to because they understand your history. They know your circumstances and your people. It’s easy conversation. They also know your weaknesses and can be painfully honest with you. They know you and absolutely love you.

Now, ask yourself. Does God KNOW you like that? When I asked myself, I felt unsure but determined to change things. If God wanted to know me, then I was going to make that happen. Morning coffee would be shared between the King of Kings and morning, smash face, me. I started telling the Lord about myself. Not everything at once, but just interesting tidbits, like when making a new friend. Before long, I was sharing more. Somedays, I tell Him all that I have to do. Somedays, I ask lots of questions. Of course, my conversation with God seemingly always includes my pressing needs. He is God after all.

I encourage you to try it. Don’t let satan talk you out of it. I know his argument. “This is a waste of time because God already knows.” Of course He does, but He still wants to hear your heart. Remember when your children were small? When they came to tell you a big story that happened in their life, nothing, absolutely nothing was more important, even if you just watched it all happen in your backyard. You cared about every syllable. You wanted their take on the situation. You enjoyed their excitement, you understood their frustration, you offered your wisdom. God is the same.

A strange thing has happened in this quest to let Him know me: I have discovered some things about myself. God is so much more than a psychotherapist, but when I started telling the Lord how I felt, I heard myself say things I didn’t know were there. Not only was He listening, but by His Spirit, He was drawing out my feelings like a good friend.

In these heaven meets earth “convos”, My Father has reprimanded me with soft challenges. He helps me see the situations in my life spiritually, which is ALWAYS a different view than the one I bring Him. We even share a few laughs. I don’t mean God is up there telling me St. Peter-at-the-pearly-gate jokes. The laughs are more like those you share with friends who know you. The words don’t even have to be said. It was a shared experience and great joy comes in knowing you are both reminiscing about the same time. Such sweetness in a shared life.

David wrote, later in that same Psalm that declared God knew everything about him:

“Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.

Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.”

Psalm 139: 23

David, who had earlier proclaimed with certainty that God knew EVERYTHING about him, was now asking the Lord to search and know him. That’s the picture. Have you ever had an acquaintance for years and then the relationship turned a corner? You are close now, even best friends. You know how it happened? One of you opened up and shared a need, a hurt, a more personal story. The other felt trusted and began sharing too. Boom. A relationship blooms.

How sweet that is when it’s you and your Creator. It’s the path of everlasting life. Do you want the promise of Heaven? Let Him get to know you. He will begin to lead you on His path. Relationships are not built on judgement day. They are made today. Have a cup of coffee with the Savior and get started.

God Creates These Beauties Even When We Aren’t Looking

Pictures and words to express the magnitude of God’s creation and love of creation.

All things were made through him, and without Him was not any thing made that was made.

John 1:3

A friend of mine told me the other day that she enjoyed the pictures on my blog.  Funny thing is that is the part for which I can take the least credit.    Besides picking them out and pushing a few buttons, I have very little to do with them.  I’m not the photographer of the family.  Nevertheless, today, I would like to share more than my usual.  This is not because I have run out of things to say.  It’s more, “a picture is worth a thousand words.”

These are mountains in Alaska. That is a “river” of snow and ice, frozen in time . How God creates serenity, harshness, and beauty in one quiet range is amazing. We went for miles and miles without seeing a person, a house, a light. There was just this. We stood on the boat pretty much speechless.

I love Arkansas. I am a Texan, but I sure wish I had kin folks somewhere around Hot Springs. While I’m wishing, can I have kin folks with an unoccupied furnished apartment that begs us to come and stay often….and please use their hot tub?

Pictured above is a wooded area there. When I walk through woods, God reminds me that these trees, birds, leaves, ground cover, wildflowers, and bugs are here every day. This is not an amusement park that opens for the public at 8:00 AM. The trees are not rolled away and repainted every season. God creates and manages this wonderland 24/7. Most of the wonders are never seen by human eyes, but God loves creation so much that He will enjoy it by Himself. That’s why when we walk into the woods, stand on a mountaintop, or stop and gaze at a bird, it seems like we walk in His presence.

No filters, just raw beauty. We had driven higher and higher into the Rocky Mountains and saw signs for a fish camp. I imagined a little pond or stream that somehow puddled among the peaks. We pulled in to the large parking lot and was completely surprised when we walked to the edge and this was our view. It was really that blue, even up close. It was like God had poured out blue ink in the middle of rocky cliffs. Evidently, the fishing was good too.

Another point about creation: Every angle is a different inspiration. Same lake, but it warranted another “ahhhhh”. There were several more before the day was over.

It looks like the best crayon box ever. The colors are vibrant. The textures, the shapes, the smells all unique. Have you ever seen an ugly flower? I haven’t. God designed them all. They grow in places seen and unseen. They grow on the sides of trees, in fertile soil, and in rocky paths. Some of the most beautiful bloom on the end of cactus stems. Google it. You won’t be sorry. They grow where God decides color is needed or the air needs freshening. You probably have at least one in your yard right now. Stop and enjoy the masterpiece.

Ask my family and they will lie and tell you that I must stop the car and we all have to get out so that I can take a picture of every stream that we pass. They will also shake their head and claim that we will have to take our shoes off and wade in, if at all possible. Oh, how they exaggerate. It’s not true. Actually, I only take pictures and wade into streams that are running over rocks. If there are no rocks, I’m totally satisfied with just a picture.

Here’s a few more.

I love the sound that running water makes. God put the perfect sound effects to nature as well. Whether the rushing roar or the happy trickle, it’s all music to our ears.

Then there is the entertaining parts of creation. God has truly shown his creativity with animals, insects, and fish. We are still discovering new species under the sea. Last week I saw the first cat/fox species. It was a domestic looking cat with a large fox tail. Gorgeous. Yay God! Look at the faces of the camel and the alpaca and tell me you aren’t smiling? If these pics don’t do it for you, then type “alpaca images” into your favorite browser and have a laugh.

This little guy among the rocks made his home near the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem. Life still reigns!

(sorry about the poop – that’s life.)

“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork.”

Psalm 19:1

We really can’t appreciate all of God’s handiwork without looking up.

My mother is a very talented artist. I have seen her paint striking sunsets and sunrises for years. But seriously, these colors don’t come in tubes. This picture was taken from a moving car, flying down a Louisiana highway. Can you imagine the magnificence if I could have pulled over and waded in? Ahem, family.

God did all this. He does all this. Everyday. You will not wake up tomorrow and fear that God has forgotten to rotate the earth on its axis. The sun will rise in the east and set in the west and He will do it without ever repeating a design. Tadpoles and lion cubs will continue to be born, even if He is the only One to see them. Alpine flowers will poke through the snow to the glory of Him who gave them strength. He created it all and all will continue until He says “enough”. Take time to enjoy it today and thank Him.

Ah, Lord God! It is You who have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm!

Nothing is too hard for You.

Jeremiah 32:17

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