The View is So Much Better Up Here

It’s not that impressive until you know what happened. Golgatha, the rock of the cross.

When I want to pray and the words just aren’t there, I turn to the book of Psalms. Most of them are written by David and he had an honesty that makes me cringe sometimes. In seven verses he can cover hopelessness, encroaching death, and victory above all. Whatever I may be feeling, David has a verse for it.

This morning, I turned to Psalm 61. He starts out with a common beginning for him, “Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer.” I never really think to ask God to listen to me. I assume He is. Most of the time I just butt in with my half sentences and most needy requests and skip the formalities. Not David. He enters the throne room of God like a petitioner before the court, “Listen to me. Hear me!” Of course, these are psalms or songs, so a chorus of “hear me, O Lord” sung from the soul can put chills up your spine and make a worship service. It’s probably just me, but I can imagine David singing some of these with a little Texas twang, like his heart feels every note.

His words are not shallow. He prays by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and he asks for things I need.

From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

Psalm 61:2

I’ve been there. I’ve gone to the end. I have done all that I know to do. I have worked, studied, prayed, pleaded, argued, given grace, fasted, wept, threatened, and acted like all is fine to the VERY END. I think the words are something like, “I can’t do it anymore, Lord. This is it. I’m at my end. I’ve circled this mountain long enough. I’m done.” Been there?He follows it with a faint heart, literally. As life is seeping out, he calls one more time. Now, I don’t know the circumstances here. David fought many physical, bloody, battles. He was chased by murderous kings, traitorous friends and even a lion and a bear, so his heart may have been beating his last, when he cried. He also had a rebellious son, an adulterous affair, a son die in childhood, and some real unforgiveness. These too will suck the life out of you. Either way, he is faint with a heart that is broken.

I’m singing the song right along with him, until now. “lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” Wait, huh? I’m in the valley here. I need a doctor, a counselor, maybe an undertaker. I’m not asking for a high rock.

But it turns out, that’s what I need.

As we “climb” this rock, let me show you around.

Big Picture

The view from Mt. Carmel. I didn’t see any prophets of Baal that day. haha.

The first thing I notice up here is the Big Picture. I can see my life much clearer. I can see where I’ve come from and what’s ahead of me. I can see that hard trail was better than that deadly cliff on the other side. I notice the ruts I made trying to get somewhere that God never wanted me to go. I see the other travelers. That one, that I thought was throwing rocks, was just trying to get his footing in some loose gravel. God speed, Brother.

You know, the long, treacherous trail is really quite beautiful from this vantage point.

See My Enemies

Not just your fellow travelers are revealed, but you can see the enemy approaching as well. We all have an enemy, you know? On flat ground, I rarely see him coming. I will be doing my life, walking my path, and he strikes – a fiery dart that spins me around until I begin to lose my footing. From up here, I see him. Forget him sneaking up hill. Not only is his cover removed, but his weapons are weaker. Ever tried shooting an arrow straight up? Gravity bites. But standing on this rock, my weapons are mighty and my target is clear and I’m firing downward. From the beginning, Genesis 3, it was said that the devil would strike Christ’s heel and Christ would crush his head. That’s easy to see from this heighth.

Builds My Faith

The Bible speaks of mountain moving faith, but from up here, it seems there might be faith building mountains. When I stand upon the rock that is higher than I, faith grows. That problem that loomed overhead, is not so intimidating from here. That’s why I love the mountains. Two years ago, my husband and I visited Colorado and drove thru the Rockies. We pulled over often and tried to take it all in. You look out for miles and know that the God who made those giant ROCKS, can do whatever He wants to. Uh, let me think…. Nope, there is NOTHING He can’t do!

Train ride through the Rockies. One of the most beautiful rides ever.

Keeps Me Clean

Just like the noise pollution, there is sin pollution down there. Standing on this rock, the Lord keeps me clean. There’s so much mud being flung down there. The paths are full of grime and sludge. Take your eyes off Jesus for a minute, and you’ll step knee deep into mire. Depression, addiction, and despair will wrap around you like briers. Up here, He keeps me spotless from the world.

Hear God’s Voice

Alaskan mountains stunned my sense of hearing…with their silence.

You’ll notice as you climb, that the noises of this world grow quieter and quieter. There’s a lot of word pollution on street level. Climb a little more and you can hear your own breath. Sure, you might be breathing a little harder by now. But listen, when you go to the rock that is higher than yourself, you will begin to hear Our Father and nothing else. One thing I have learned in life is that a word from Him is all I need. Rarely does He shout. He doesn’t have to up here. Just listen.

That’s it. Like I said, David never sang a shallow song. Every word inspired by God, he prayed the words I needed today. “Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” Show me that view that puts life in perspective. David knew that eye level isn’t the whole truth. There is a Rock that sees it all.

Where is that Rock, you ask? It’s Jesus. He is that spiritual Rock (1 Corinthians 10:4). Find Him. His view is greater. His strength is immovable. His voice is discernible. He will wash and protect you. He is the Rock that is higher.

"Trust in the Lord forever, for the LORD, the LORD Himself, is the ROCK eternal."  Isaiah 26:4
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To All the Single Girls

Here’s the thing. I’m not single. Haven’t been for 32 years. BUT I taught teenagers at church for 16 years and I have seen them grow older and navigate the waters of singledom. Some of them drowned. Others floated aimlessly. A few still sit on the shore and wait for the fish to jump out of the water and sweep them off their sandy feet. Then there were the very few that swam among the sharks, octopi, and bottom feeders and found their “Nemo”.

So, let me see if I can help. Very simply, you are looking for a front seat guy. Let me explain.

The back seat doesn’t offer this view.

I’ve seen a lot of single girls looking for that fun guy who hangs out in the backseat. They find him just so irresistible. I mean girls just wanna have fun, right? And he is Mr. Fun.

Then there is Mr. Front Seat. He’s not so free and unrestricted. He’s got a steering wheel keeping him snug. There are things to do and places to go. He’s in the driver’s seat and that is what he is doing.

Let’s take a closer look.

Where are they going?

The first obvious distinction is where they are going. Front Seat Fellow is going somewhere. He has a plan, a goal, a destination. He’s not letting anyone determine his arrival or route or parking spot. He takes responsibility for his life and knows that all the decisions required to drive will get him where he is going. Front Seat has a plan for life.

Back Seat Boy is just along for the ride. He’s going wherever the crowd is going. He has no plans, no goals, or desired destination. He just enjoys the scenery and hopes against hope that he ends up somewhere “cool”.

Do They Use Directions?

Guys have earned the reputation for driving aimlessly for hours to avoid stopping and asking for directions. My husband will not do that because he knows that he can stop and his shameless wife will go in and ask exactly what town we are presently in. Either way, Front Seat Fellow will have a map, GPS, or navigator before striking out toward their destination. Life requires directions, from beginning to end. The Bible truly is that life map. Walk this way. Avoid this pitfall. Travel lightly here. Front Seat Fellow reads “the map” everyday to make sure they and their riders don’t get lost.

Back Seat Boy poo poos maps, directions, even GPS. Who needs all those restrictions? They know what’s fun and free and that’s their compass. As a matter of fact, they’re riding the backseat of life and rarely even notice the road.

Rules and Restrictions

Speaking of restrictions, Front Seat Fellow, knows the rules. He knows that traffic tickets raise insurance premiums, burning rubber means buying tires, and speeding down the highway means stopping for gas at the next exit. He knows that the choices today come as bills tomorrow. He knows safety is thinking about every rider in the car. He doesn’t consider risking your life, a thrill. Again, he has places to go and he has to live to get there.

Back Seat Boy doesn’t have the wheel, isn’t buying the gas or tires, and considers your life worth a risky ride. He will yell from the back to speed up, take the jump, or squeal some tires. Why not? He hasn’t paid for them and isn’t heading anywhere special. Life’s rules are to be broken and safety is for those who have something to live for.

Hunting for Change in the Back Seat

Then there is the money. There are more divorces over money differences than any other reason. So let’s look at Front Seat and Back Seat wallets.

Front Seat counts the cost. The Bible tells us the smart builder considers the cost before building his house. The smart soldier considers the cost before going to war. Mr. Front Seat will count the cost for his journey. He makes provision for gas, food, and fun. He also plans for the unplanned. Flat tires, brake jobs, and torn windshield wipers are all part of the trip. Life, too, has ups and downs financially and Mr. Front Seat is constantly aware of his present and future needs. He’s not hoping to find a $20 on the way into McDonald’s. He put $200 away last week to enjoy dinners out, even in retirement.

Back Seat Boy had $20 in his pocket until that first stop on the journey. He’s always wanted one of those giant cigarette lighters, so he bought two. Now he is all talk about when his big windfall comes. In the mean time, can you spot him a ten?

Entertainment Gets out of the Car

For the Back Seat Boy, the most important entertainment takes place in the back seat. You know what I mean. It’s how far, how fast, and how daring can those “backseat activities” be. He’s not interested in the great world outside or showing you some of the beauties of your shared community. He will satisfy himself. You will only be part of the entertainment.

Front Seat Fellow wants to enrich your life. “You’ve never eaten at Louie’s? Never seen the ocean? Gone to the top of the monument?” “Then we’re going!”

Front Seat Fellow wants to get out of the car. He will seek to find entertainment that builds relationships by shared experiences. He wants to do with life with you, not just “do you”. Yes, those urges are there, but he will recognize that you are a daughter of God and he will not be found guilty of anything crossing that line.

Front Seat Fun

And finally, Front Seat Fellow will stay awake and alert, offer conversation, and add to the pleasure of the ride. He points out things on the roads of life and enjoys the discussion as much as the drive. He listens too. He knows you have observations, destinations, and navigations to offer as well. You’re in this front seat together.

Back Seat Boy? Well, he is reclining in the back with earbuds and his phone. He didn’t hear the last 3 comments you made because he was too busy with his giant cigarette lighter. As a matter of fact, the last time you looked back, he had a foot sticking out the back window, lighter had fallen to the floorboard, and our back seat boy has fallen asleep.

You’ve all read this scripture:

Do not be yoked together with unbelievers.  For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common?  Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?  2 Corinthians 6:14
Works best if they are going the same direction.

It’s the truth. We don’t have many oxen treading grain anymore, but one day you will yoke yourself to a man. If he is not going where you are going (church, heaven, a life of peace), not traveling at the same speed (You read your Bible and pray every day. He does on occasion.), and not enjoying the yoke you share (not willing to commit and share the load), then you are unequally yoked.

Seek the Lord and ask Him to find your Front Seat Fellow. He’s the one that will bear the yoke with you. He will follow the Lord’s directions. He will wear the yoke in such a way that you will find it lighter. There will be other oxen frolicking around, but pay no mind, you are yoked to your Front Seat Fellow.

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16,425 Prayers & Still Learning

I’ve been a follower of Christ since the age of 7. My share of mistakes and failures would certainly balance my successes. But despite me and my flesh, I have called myself a Christian since then.

I give my credentials only because it bares witness (how’s that for some Christian-ese?) with what I’m going to say. I have prayed A LOT. I mean in the last several decades (never mind how many), I have talked to the Lord over lots of stuff. Real stuff. Stuff that makes your head swim. Stuff that pertained to that day, in that situation, and nothing more. Stuff that affected the world, ie: elections, natural disasters, wars and missionaries. To be honest there’s been some dumb stuff. ( I won’t give an example, in case you prayed some of those things this morning. =-) Yes, I figure I have prayed at least 16,425 prayers. That’s praying one prayer a day since the age of 7. (Okay, homeschoolers, there’s your extra credit algebra problem for the day. X = my age).

We all know there must have been a day or two that I chased butterflies and giggled with friends and didn’t have a care in the world to pray about; but most of those 16,425 days I had more than one reason to cause me to stop and talk to God. Multiple times a day.

So I must be an expert, right. HA! No such thing. Jesus was the only expert I remember telling others to “Pray like this…”

Praying in all circumstances

But today’s “crumb” reminds me that prayer is necessary in all circumstances. I was struck by a passage in Numbers that reminded me that Moses was a man of prayer. Moses has the awesome reputation of THE one who talked to God face to face. He was the one who went up the burning Mt. Sinai to talk to God and even more awesome, listen to Him. Moses was a man of prayer.

One of the beautiful mountains in Israel. This picture reminds me of the Israelites standing at a distance watching Moses ascend to the top to meet with God.

God led him and the children of Israel in such an intimate way that they knew when to camp and when to break camp. His presence would be a cloud by day and fire by night. If the cloud stayed put, so would they. When the cloud would lift, then they would pack up the tents and the tabernacle and follow. But here’s the verse that stopped me:

"And whenever the Ark set out, Moses would shout, 'Arise, O Lord, and let your enemies be scattered!  Let them flee before You!'  And when the Ark was set down, he would say, 'Return, O Lord, to the countless thousands of Israel.'"  Numbers 10:35,36

Okay, so here is the guy who is completely following the plan of God and leading several million behind him. He knows with all certainty that he is doing the right thing at the right time and he still prays. He takes nothing for granted. He calls on the God that holds victory in His hands. He calls for God to arise, when he has already seen the cloud lifted. He curses the darkness and the enemies of God. And he says this every time the Ark is picked up to travel!

Then when the journey is over, the cloud has settled over them again, and the Ark of the Covenant is set down, he calls for God to come be with them. This says to me that Moses didn’t want to spend a day without God’s help. There were never “chasing butterflies” days for Moses when he didn’t recognize his great need for God.

Prayers in Battle

What about you? Is there wilderness ahead? Maybe there are some enemies on the way? Don’t take a step without Him. Call on Him to arise and go with you. Are you confident that the way you are taking is God’s perfect plan? Many times we’re not sure. Even in confidence and with signs in the sky, call on Him. Pray for His presence to lead you, guide you, and protect you from that enemy, we call satan. Invite God into your journey.

Moses fought several battles to see the Promised Land. We always think of the warrior leader, Joshua fighting to receive what was promised, but Moses fought too. So when Moses prays, “let your enemies be scattered!”, he has first hand knowledge of the bloodiness of war and the victory of seeing your enemies run away. This wasn’t just the latest Hillsong worship tune, for him.

Prayers in Peace

It wasn’t all times of battle. There were times when the cloud stayed, the Ark rested, and some refreshing took place. Look at Moses. Before he takes a day off to stroll the camp and eat the latest manna craze, he prays and asks the Lord to return to them and be with them. How sweet that must sound to the Lord to be invited. I think I take Him for granted too often. He says He will never leave or forsake us and I just go with it. That’s Him. But how wonderful that Moses would welcome God and ask Him to stay. Every time.

When my son was growing up, we often had a house full of boys. It was my house and of course I had all rights to enter any room, at any time. They always knew I would be here if they needed me… or not. I enjoyed hearing their banter, watching them wrestle, talk some trash, and eat every single snack I didn’t hide properly. (When I’m dead and they are cleaning out my house, someone is going to find a 50 year old jar of cheez whiz hidden in some old jacket pocket in my closet.). I loved watching their lives, their struggles, their successes, right there from my kitchen sink. But what joy when I was invited to join them!

They would be sitting around the table discussing the most important issues of the day. Okay, it was pretty much girls. I would walk through the kitchen or down the hall past the bedroom and sometimes (rarely) get invited in. This is the moment where the angels sing. In the occupation of motherhood, all the refused suppers, poopy diapers, and messy rooms become worth it. “Mom, come here.”

Oh, the sweetness of being wanted. Sure, we have a great relationship. I knew Zach loved me. I knew he still needed me. For the most part, he was obedient. It’s not about that. It’s about, “Mom, I’m not going any further until you come in and listen to this.” I’m sitting here smiling just thinking about it.

I want to be that child. “O Lord, get up! It’s time for work. Come go with me and fight my battles. The devil runs when you’re around!”

Days end. “Come sit with me, Lord. Let’s enjoy the setting sun. I’ve got so much to tell you….”

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Job Lost Everything – Except His Wife

Life Stinks Sometimes

There he sat, looking across the damaged soil of his life. How could this possibly happen? In one afternoon, his life took a sudden dark turn and Job was a swallowed in grief. The loss was numbing; all the while the pain was unbearable.

His oxen and donkeys: “The Sabeans attacked and carried them off. They put the servants to the sword..”

“The fire of God fell from the sky and burned up the sheep and the servants…”

“The Chaldeans formed three raiding parties and swept down on your camels and carried them off. They put the servants to the sword..”

His seven sons and three daughters: “…a mighty wind struck the four corners of the house. It collapsed on them and they are dead.”

Do you feel the loss? What else could possibly happen to Job? Here he was the richest man in the East, blessed beyond imagination. You, might, know a man that owns a few cows. Job had 500 yoke of oxen; think 1000 head of cattle. My brother has a couple of horses. Job rode on 3000 camels and 500 donkeys. Sheep are a favorite 4-H project around here. A kid will spend a year raising a little lamb to be sold on the auction block at show. Job raised 7000 of them. Add in all the servants it took to run the ranch and keep the large family, and Job was the Bill Gates of the East.

And in one afternoon, it was gone. Our hearts go out to Job. His heart goes out to God. “The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” We shudder to think that this might be our testimony.

Then the devil slithers back. What else can he take?

“Skin for skin!” satan hissed, as he asked God to allow him to touch Job’s body.

With that permission, he afflicts Job with painful sores from his head to the soles of his feet. Job is sitting in a pile of ashes, head shaved, torn clothing, and scraping his sores with a broken piece of pottery. His wife comes out to console, apply some ointment, and love him, right? Nope.

“Are you still holding onto your integrity? Curse God and die.”

Job’s wife

That’s Job’s wife’s one line in the whole book. No wonder we don’t know her name. She seems heartless doesn’t she?

What occurred to me last week, is that Wifey had endured great loss too. Those were here 7 sons and 3 daughters. That was her ranch and servants and retirement plan too. She had lost it all in one afternoon, right along with Job.

Until Job was afflicted with sores, she may have questioned her responsibility in this traumatic loss. The Bible tells us that Job had sacrificed a bull for each child every time they had partied the weekend away and may have sinned against the Lord. He covered all his bases with God. Job was the one with the reputation of pleasing God always. Maybe this tragedy had happened because of her lack in the “pleasing God” arena. Was she the blame? You know how we think?

But when she looked down and saw her husband covered in sores, she quickly assigned blame. Oh, how awful we can be. She no longer feels the need to repent or think how she could have been better. She despises him because if she had never met him, she would have never hurt like this. God hadn’t come through like Job always preached and Job was useless with only his integrity. What good had that done?

Job replies with “You are talking like a foolish woman. Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?” “Foolish woman” denotes a moral deficiency. In other words, he calls her immoral. Job calls it like it is and does not pacify her pain by promising it was going to get better.

But he stays.

In this era of hard marriages and easy divorces, we don’t understand how Job stays with a woman who would as much as wish him dead and condemned. He just stays.

His loyalty and commitment endures the coldness of friends too. Job endures a season of “friends” who come to visit. They sit with him for seven days and seven nights and never say a word, because of his suffering. Then they open their big mouths. I won’t go into quoting and discussing their arguments as to why this had happened to Job, but it’s definitely worth reading.

After all have spoken and Job has defended himself, there is an amazing discussion with God. Job is uncomfortably honest with God. God is embarrassingly straightforward with Job. Then Job repents. He has questioned God and he was found wanting.

Then God turns to Eliphaz and friends. “I am angry with you and your two friends, because you have not spoken of me what is right”. Yikes, makes me wonder how many times in my effort to make sense of life, have I not spoken “what is right”. Sometimes, we just make lots of words hoping that some of it makes a difference. Ugh.

The Rewards of Endurance

“After Job prayed for his friends, the LORD restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before.

Job 42:10

You see Job stayed and he prayed. Praying for someone takes a certain amount of compassion. Job prayed for the friends who had spent days trying to convince him that this trial was punishment and was right…they just didn’t know what terrible sin Job had committed. Job prayed for them and in the King James Version it says “his captivity turned” when he prayed for his friends.

Then we read that God blessed the later 140 years of Job’s life more than the first part. God doubles the sheep, the oxen, the camels, and the donkeys. He gives more servants. And Job has seven more sons and three more daughters. These daughters are the most beautiful in the land. The Bible says that. I’m not writing a Disney princess story here.

….and eight more!

So that means one thing. There were some sweet apologies and loving forgiveness between Job and wife. You don’t have ten children and live together another 140 years raising your great-great-grandchildren, by yourself. Love had come back to stay and Mr and Mrs. Job had to work things out..

We are not given the details. I don’t know how long the anger simmered and/or raged before love conquered again, but love never fails. She had said the most hateful statement to Job when he needed her the most. He recognized the cruelty and immorality of it. He certainly heard the devil saying, “She is only with you for the money. She doesn’t love you.” Job saw clearly that his wife didn’t know God like he did. She didn’t trust Him. She thought God deserved cursing for all the pain. they had endured. It looked like irrevocable differences, if there ever was a case.

Been there? Has your spouse or someone you love ever disappointed you so deeply in your time of need? Maybe your spouse hasn’t followed in the steps of Christ like you think he should. Does your love seem cold, maybe dead and buried with other losses you have suffered? Maybe even immorality has been displayed and you’ve lost all respect. Are the finances non existent and he has lost another job? Hang in there.

God does miracles. I’m a church secretary. (Yes, that is a miracle. ha.) What I really meant, is I have seen and heard marriages that I thought were over. The hurts were deep, the resolve to stick it out was gone, and the. counseling session was only to tell their side so that when the divorce happened, the church would know it wasn’t their fault. Then God stepped in. Hearts melt, pinched lips begin to giggle a little, and tears are wiped by the one that caused them. Only the Holy Spirit can comfort like that.

Stay there. Wait. Seek the Lord. Be honest with God. Job will show you how. Maybe the other party (spouse or friend) does nothing. Remember Mrs. Job is not heard from again. She is not recorded giving a lengthy speech of her justifications. Maybe she sat in her room and fumed and cursed until Job was healed. We don’t know. Just keep calling on God. Stay in pursuit of Him. DON’T GIVE UP.

Love NEVER fails.

1 Corinthians 13:8

Read it again. NEVER. This is not acting like it. This is the real thing. The love that says I’m here and I’m determined to love you and take care of you and enjoy our great-great-grandchildren with you. I will call on God when you aren’t listening. I will pray for you when you disappoint me. I will not look for another, when you have lost all. You and Me make one, so help us God.

Stay. See what God will do.

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Don’t Skip Leviticus

Trying to find inspiration from Leviticus? Here’s 7 laws that will improve your life.

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DO NOT EAT. Just enjoy the ride.

I’ve been wanting and not wanting to do this for two years. I would open the Bible every morning and fill my journal with thoughts, some provoking, some too personal, and occasionally something I really wanted to share. So blogging seemed a good platform and terrifying at the same time. I’m the person who got off facebook because I didn’t even like commenting on other people’s posts much less tossing my own thoughts to the social media madness. But you know, God always pushes us a little beyond our comfortable and snug shell.

I say all that to tell you that now that I have paid the price and have actually begun writing, I am reading Leviticus for my daily reading. This is not exactly the most inspirational book of the Bible. I have read it many times. You know how it goes, you read the Old Testament through, enjoying Genesis and the great Exodus, and then you slam right into the book of the law. It’s like drinking syrup.

Here's a beautiful example:  "You may eat any animal that has a split hoof completely divided and that chews the cud. There are some that only chew the cud or only have a split hoof, but you must not eat them. The camel, though it chews the cud, does not have a split hoof; it is ceremonially unclean for you." Leviticus 11:1-4

I don’t know about you, but I feel a shout coming on! This is just the verse I need to face Monday morning. Honestly, after the first sentence my mind is stuck imagining how gross that chewing the cud thing really is. Why, Lord? Do I really need this? Can’t I just skip a few chapters and let the Jews memorize all this dietary law? I mean, when I walk down the grocery store aisle, choosing meat, their cud and hooves are never indicated.

You CAN skip it, only to find yourself in the middle of the laws pertaining to cleaning mildew from your home and what sores need to be shaved and what color hair you should be watching for to be called clean. Not kidding.

Now, I am not, AM NOT, making light of the Word of God. No way. His Word is HIS WORD. Of course, it is perfect. So this morning, I asked the Lord what I needed to take away from this perfect word. Here’s what I got. And actually it’s quite amazing.

  1. All those rules about skin diseases read like a medical journal. So thorough. If it has a white hair, do this. If it is black, do this. Red and runny? This. But never a mention to ask God to heal. What a gift we have in Christ. We take healing for granted.
  2. When you were healed, an offering was to be made. Can you imagine our offerings now? God healed your dad of cancer? Here’s the offering bag. Dig deep. Sore throat healed without antibiotic? Fifty bucks to the Great Physician. Hmm. Makes me a little more appreciative.
  3. In all the talk of Feast Days and Holy Days, two were to be remembered and observed throughout the generations. Firstfruits, when the people would literally bring their first sheaves of grain and wave them in celebration before giving them to God. Second, Feast of Tabernacles, when the Israelites would dwell in tents and enjoy a week of celebrating. God loves a festival. Maybe we should look into some of these festivities too. I think we may be missing out.
  4. God cares about our physical bodies and healthy living. He gives hygiene and dietary rules with great detail and much importance. Even house cleaning is listed among the rules from Mt. Sinai. God deals with mildew and mold better than Lysol and what materials can be disinfected and what needs to be destroyed. I can imagine how much healthier we may have been in past generations if we would have gave more attention to His cleaning methods.
  5. Speaking of healthy lives, God gets down to the nitty gritty, the dos and the don’ts of sexual relations. Despite what Hollywood may tell you, what happens in your bedroom is His business. He has definite and particular rules. You want to sleep with your uncle? Nope, against the law. There’s a lot more information available. Parental guidance suggested.
  6. There are chapters and chapters written about offerings. There’s the guilt offering, burnt offering, grain offering, sin offering, and the fellowship offering. Some people think the offering bag is passed too much today. God taught His people to give. Somehow, we got the idea that Jesus paid the price and offerings are inclusive in the deal. These chapters always challenge my “tithing is good enough” attitude.
  7. And last but not least, especially to the fellow involved, there are rules regarding God’s Holy Name. It happened that the son of an Israelite momma and an Egyptian dad was caught up in a fight. During the fight he blasphemed “the Name”. Witnesses told Moses. Moses sought the Lord as to his punishment. God said he was to be put to death. And he was. Just let that sink in.

Of course, there is much more. These aren’t the Cliff Notes to Leviticus. This is just what the Holy Spirit pointed out to me. Just goes to show you that God’s Word is perfect. If you read any part of it, you’re that much better.

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Why Just Bread Crumbs?

“Jesus did not answer a word.”

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A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is demon-possessed and suffering terribly.”

Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to him and urged him, “Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us.”

He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.”

The woman came and knelt before him. “Lord, help me!” she said.

He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”

“Yes it is, Lord,” she said. Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.”

Then Jesus said to her, Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment.

Matthew 15:22-28

And it was just the crumbs….

I love this story. It initially intrigued me that Jesus would infer that this woman was a dog. (Jesus never concerned Himself with political correctness.) But as I dug deeper, because the Lord kept calling me back to it, there is so much more that spoke to me.

Rarely was Jesus impressed with people’s faith. He was more likely to be amazed at their unbelief. But this gal was told her faith was GREAT. So, let’s look back at what she said and did.

She came to him and cried out. Did you see those exclamation points above? She didn’t secretly approach the Lord in hopes that she wouldn’t be made a spectacle. This Canaanite woman knew she didn’t have the “right” to ask Jesus for a miracle. She wasn’t even Jewish. Furthermore, her daughter was so demon filled that she “suffered terribly”. How hard was this for a mother to confess? She must have surely been embarrassed by this condition.

“My daughter is sick.”

“My daughter needs direction.”

“My daughter is even backslid.”

Those we can admit. But, “My daughter is demon possessed.” That raises eyebrows.

Assuredly, she bore the shame. We don’t know how the demons manifested. But demons are not polite company. Certainly, as a mom, she bore the feelings of guilt and responsibility for her daughter being subject to demons. Where did she go wrong? How many times had she had to leave public places with her daughter after the demons acted out. But none of that hindered her. She cried out! Desperate times call for desperate measures.

But then the unexpected happened.

“Jesus did not answer a word.” Not a word.

I’ve been there. Have you ever cried out to the Lord and heard nothing, felt nothing, saw nothing happen? It was so obvious that the disciples told Jesus to send her away. “She keeps crying..”

Jesus tells them that He was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel. He came for the Jews. Most of us would have walked away offended at this. Just given up. Surely, His miracle working power was real; but it was meant for others. It’s just not God’s will for her.

Again….been there. Have you ever thought, “Maybe God has another plan for me.”?

Not her. She comes right in front of Him (AGAIN), kneels down, and cries, “Lord, help me!”

She reminds me of Mary, at the wedding at Cana. Despite Jesus telling her it was not his time yet, Mary turns and tells the servants to do what He tells them to do. Pushy mother and woman of great faith in her Son.

Back to our story, Jesus flat out tells her that it wouldn’t be right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs. I’m telling you that Jesus lost some followers with this. Not only does He not do the needed miracle but He calls her a dog. Some translations use the word, “puppies”. Funny. I guess that’s a little kinder.

Our dog, Sugar, who will unashamedly beg for crumbs from the table.

Either way, the answer was no.

But not to be deterred, this woman argues with Jesus, the very One whose help she desperately needed. He said it wasn’t right. She said, “Yes it is, Lord.”

And then she offers this counter, “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the master’s table.” She didn’t argue her worthiness. She didn’t offer a deal in return. She knew who she was (and wasn’t) and she knew who He was and she had faith that even the crumbs from His table were enough to defeat the enemy.

Here’s the amazing conclusion to this religiously awkward encounter. “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.”


The second attention getter came at the end. Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.”

And her daughter was healed at that moment.

Whoa. Jesus knew and loved this woman. He loved that she persisted. He loved her. After all, this was a story God deemed important enough for the Bible. Here was proof that faith pleased Him, from Jew or Gentile. Faith that says “I won’t let go unless you bless me”. (Genesis 32:26)

So, this is the name of my blog. Just bread crumbs. My desire is to take small bits of God’s Word and serve them to the dogs (JUST KIDDING!). No, I’m hoping to share my crumbs with you, my friends. I know that just bread crumbs from His table, mixed with faith, will accomplish great things.

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Hello Fab Five!

Jesus could have preached, exhorted, threatened, or cold-shouldered Simon Peter to get him to stand strong….He pleaded in prayer.

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Who are the Fab Five? Well, you and four more. I figure that maybe five people will read this second post. Those five are the ones I felt confident enough to invite in to this attempt at blogging. You were chosen because I thought you to be honest, but not cruel; encouraging, but not flattering; a reader because you wanted to, not as an obligation to our relationship; and foremost because I love to ponder God and His Word with hearts like yours. And as fellow travelers, I have pleaded in prayer for you.

This is the foundation walls of what is believed to be Peter’s home in Capernaum. The odd roof looking structure above is actually the floor of a church built above it. This spot was hard to walk away from, knowing that Jesus had walked in those rooms, sat on those floors, and even healed Peter’s mother-in-law, right there.

Today, my mind is going on and on about these scriptures:

“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift each of you like wheat. 32 But I have pleaded in prayer for you, Simon, that your faith should not fail.

Luke 22:32

I love the thought that Satan must ask permission for everything. “Can I?” “May I? He whines.

The metaphor of being sifted like wheat is powerful too. I have felt the shifting and shaking of the enemy, myself.

But I feel so loved with the words of Jesus when He tells Simon that He had prayed for him. Jesus didn’t just pray. He pleaded in prayer for Simon. This was no piddlin’ prayer. In all the recorded prayers of Jesus, none seem like He is pleading. This one was earnest.

What was He praying and pleading for Simon Peter? That his faith not fail.

Here is the question? How often have I pleaded in prayer that a fellow Christian believer wouldn’t fail in their faith? Shouldn’t this be our constant prayer for our friends? We see them struggle. We see them slipping away. A sickness leads to missing church. Missing church leads to missing devotions. Missing devotions leads to a cold spirit. The next time we see them, Satan has sifted them like wheat and we are disappointed in their backslidden condition.

Maybe we have those that we say to ourselves, “they just won’t stay with the stuff”. We know those who are in and out, strong and then weak. They join everything in church for the first two meetings and then their faith fails. We might find it even irritating to pray for them. Why can’t they put on their own armor and take care of business? Plead in prayer for them

Jesus tells Peter just a few verses down (vs.34) that Simon Peter would deny him 3 times before morning. He knew there was going to be some failings. He knew this friend was going to deny even knowing Him. Yet, He pleaded in prayer for him.

Jesus knew His prayers were not in vain.

“So when you have repented and turned to me again, strengthen your brothers.” Luke 22:32

Jesus could have preached, exhorted, threatened, or cold-shouldered Simon Peter to get him to stand strong in those hours after His arrest; but our Lord knew what would have the best outcome. He pleaded in prayer.

So today plead in prayer for that one who satan is asking for. They may never know you cried in prayer for them. They may go from strength to strength because you pleaded in prayer. Plead for their faith . Pray that they not fail. Plead for the one that seems most weak.

One day they may strengthen you.

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